[center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/8612771952412578ba34ce66d9d6e621/tumblr_n23oyv4onG1tt6l0do2_500.gif[/img][hr] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170123/6a37fc2ebcc8742919a00629ae48c96f.png[/img][hr] [color=f18c32][b][u]Location:[/u][/b][/color] His apartment → Central Perk's Coffeehouse [color=f18c32][b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b][/color] Nylah via text [@Dusksong], Cecilia via text [@MissCapNCrunch], Olivia via text [@QueenoftheBee], Kieran via text [@NeoAC], Rui via text [@Vlerchan] [hr][/center][center]There was always something about the day before his birthday that made him not being able to sleep. In his bed, he tossed and turned as his mind churned with excitement about the coming day and about his party later than night. Phillip practically rolled out of bed as his phone chimed all morning, people wishing him a happy birthday and many were excited about his party. Invitations were sent out two weeks ago and if you were on Phillip's good side at the time, then of course he gave you one with no doubt in his mind. He had skipped his early morning jog and decided to stay in this morning, just to make sure a few things are prepared for tonight. He needed to remind himself to send a message of apology towards Nylah later and explain everything towards her. Phillip posted on his social media accounts, thanking everyone for their birthday wishes and will be happy to see everyone at the party tonight. He then got up from his laptop went to shower and get ready to start his day. He dressed his body in a simple, all blue t-shirt with Khaki cargo pants and a pair of blue and white tennis shoes. Phillip grabbed his cell phone and car keys then walked out of his apartment and down to his vehicle, which he sat in for a few moments so that he could send out a few texts. [b]To: Nylah [color=#f18c32]Hey there. So sorry for not messaging you earlier and sorry that I had to skip out on our run this morning. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Will I see you tonight though?[/color][/b] [b]To: CiCi [color=f18c32]Want to meet me at the coffee shop for a bit? I'm starving and need breakfast.[/color][/b] After he sent out those two texts, he had started his drive towards the coffeehouse, where everyone knows him. His friends know that he loves to go there to think, talk to them one on one or even invite the whole gang out and just do whatever. Phillip took side roads to avoid the traffic and made it to the coffeehouse within a moments time. There, he got out of his vehicle and sat on his trunk, looking up to see if CiCi had made it there yet, or not. While he waited, he decided to send out some more texts. [b]To: Olivia [color=f18c32]Better not do any pregame drinking without me! Will you be at my party tonight or nah?[/color][/b] [b]To: The Whole Gang [color=f18c32]All of you better match the theme of my party tonight. If not, I'll have you thrown out. LOL. But for real though.[/color][/b] [b]To: The Bros [color=f18c32]Let's make sure Rui comes to the party tonight. LOL.[/color][/b] Phillip looked up once again and looked around but still no CiCi. He decided to wait a little bit longer for her before he would go inside by himself. He honestly couldn't wait for his party tonight though and the "Seven Deadly Sins" theme was deemed epic within his very own eyes. He had hoped that tonight goes exactly as planned as he didn't want anything or anyone to spoil his very special day.[/center]