Once more, Sephiroth grew silent for a while before speaking. "Your heart is in the right place, soldier--But I think 'removing' the threat is not in the best interests of the people. We have but to change it--heal it. Set it right. I know not the words to tell you my meaning. For the time being, I believe the princess must be asked to step aside...for me to take her place, if necessary." He thought for a moment. "I do not know of many kings who ruled two kingdoms. Frankly--the prospect terrifies me. But I was always told that the best rulers are the ones who fear the throne. It means they will respect it, and be less inclined to abuse the power they are given. I am mature enough to admit that I have my faults, and I don't trust myself with this responsibility should it come to it. I cannot do it alone. There is one man I trust--you stand beside him this moment. But I cannot ask him to take on the whole weight of assisting me in this prospect." He turned his head slightly to view her out of the corner of his eye. "Can I trust you?"