[hider=The Finned Beast] [center][img]http://img15.deviantart.net/330d/i/6/3/1/were_shark.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Name:[/b] Real name unknown. It's been lost in the midst of time, torture and savagery [b]Nickname:[/b] As it has no way of naming itself, it has been nicknamed the Finned Beast among the human communities who know of it. [b]Age[/b]: Somewhere between 35 and 40 [b]Were-species[/b]: Were-shark, although heavily altered and could possibly not be considered a were creature at all anymore [b]Abilities[/b]: The Finned Beast can breathe under water and outside of the water, although it can only survive out of water for around 5 hours max. Its claws and teeth are extremely sharp and can easily tear through flesh and muscle, and the teeth can crush bone with enough pressure applied. It can move through the water at an alarming pace Favorite Song: The Finned Beast has no idea of the concept of music, although if there was a song for it, it would be Carnivore by Starset [b]Back Story[/b]: The Finned Beast itself has no knowledge of its past. As a young child, he was abducted by a group of human militants who wanted to weaponise the shark side of it. Their aim was to create a permanent shark beast who would follow commands. What followed for the young child was years and years of mental and physical torture. Everytime he transformed back into a human, he was beaten and burned until he changed back into his shark form again. This processs was repeated until his mind no longer had any concept of humanity. The grip of savagery was starting to close in. His body desperately attempted to switch back to human as his mind resisted, which resulted in him becoming a permanent hybrid creature. The militants were delighted. At least until their creation broke free and brutally slaughtered them all. It now had no emotions other than pure predatory instinct. It slunk away into the night and has been preying on unsuspecting humans as if it were a normal predator ever since. [b]Other[/b]: If this hasn't been made clear already, the Finned Beast has no concept of morality, emotion or ethics. It is a savage, brutal and ruthless hunter, motivated by pure instinct.[/Center] [/hider]