[@Lord of Evil][@Dusksong][@Hekazu] "Thanks, I didn't notice." Mistletoe responded to her ironically easy breaking-free from the wall. "I can use a bow, no problem. Can't guarantee hundred percent performance, but routine shootings should be fine." She said while getting up with Kenza's help. "The door? It looks quite sturdy, but it won't hurt." That's better than doing nothing and waiting for Wolfwing to release them anyway. "Why did you two get into monster hunting?" Derrick asked, presumably bored. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, I'm just a little curious." That was an interesting question. Despite being actually rather kind to friends, Mistletoe had always been a lone wolf who preferred not to talk too much about herself. This time, though, she wanted to share her story with Kenza and Derrick. There might not be another chance anymore. "It all began when I was ten." Mistletoe took a deep breath and started telling her story, the first time in her whole life.