[quote=@Suku] [@Demon Shinobi]so we going to stick with the originals or going to move on later if we get that far to the thunderzords and the ninjazords? [/quote] For now, if we get that far we'll probably move on as necessary. but until that point, dinozords. [quote=@ShatteredZeroxk] [@Demon Shinobi] Alright, throwing my change into the mix as0 a possible sub for any ranger spots that need filling for a time. Though I was curious if the green ranger would swap into the White ranger or not. If not, I'd be happy to take it when the time comes. [/quote] Alright I'll give you a heads up if anything. And as of now I'm basically treating white and green as two different rangers. So overall by the end we should have like 6-7 rangers.