[hider=Adeline][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/sc5qfa.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=peru]n a m e. Adeline "Del" Mortis a g e. 26 years s p e c i e s. Common death adder a b i l i t i e s. [list] [*][i]Adaptive camouflage[/i]- Although the scales on Del's transformed skin are limited in their color-changing capabilities, her mind is hyper-aware of her surroundings at all times. She is usually able to successfully blend in with most environments by utilizing a combination of her natural camouflage and perceptiveness. [*][i]Sinister stealth[/i]- Patience is a virtue, and Del will wait for days to execute a mission without any trace of foul play. [*][i]Terrific swimmer[/i]- When presented with a chase, Del would much prefer a watery playing field. She propels through it with unparalleled ease and grace. [*][i]Extreme reflexes[/i]- Dexterity doesn't even come close to describing the speed and precision of Del's limbs. Many of her gestures and actions cannot be followed by the human eye. [*][i]Postsynaptic neurotoxin[/i]- "Beware the mouth of a Mortis girl." Wise words considering that Del can deliver a paralyzing venom that may also lead to respiratory failure, if the victim doesn't die first. [/list] m o t i v a t i o n a l m u s i c. "Boy with a Coin" -Iron & Wine b a c k s t o r y. Del and her sisters were abandoned by their mother at a young age, due to the nature of their scandalous conception. Miss Mortis was a suggestible mortal woman with very loose morals; known to pleasure even the filthiest of hybrids for a meager handful of coin. Her whereabouts are unknown to this day, although her name is still a dark whisper in many of the villages. When the girls came of age, the transformations slowly took their young lives. All but Del perished from the venom that their bastard father had genetically gifted. As she grew, so did her abilities and overall stoicism in regards to life. She's made a living by offering her deadly talents to vengeful mortals. Assassin, mercenary, murderer, a title matters little to Del, but her name is well known to mortals and hybrids alike. She claims allegiance to no one, and will work for whoever offers the most advantageous price. o t h e r. Despite the nature of her work, Del doesn't wear much for protection. She prefers delicate, feminine clothing that leaves little to the imagination. Her prey is so easily led astray by a pretty face, besides the fact that weightlessness aids to her stealth, speed, and overall movement. Because she disapproves of the taste of many mortal men, she prefers to kill with a twin set of poisoned daggers hidden beneath her thighs.[/color]