[hider=Fiona Delorano][h2]Fiona Delorano[/h2] [u]Age:[/u] 42 [u]Sex:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Human [u]Appearance:[/u] [hider=Fiona][img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/77b1/f/2012/078/7/5/queen_by_sashulka-d4taj8p.jpg[/img][img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/2fb7/th/pre/i/2014/249/2/0/silksword_by_elucidator-d7y8esu.jpg[/img][/hider] Fiona has dark, black hair and light blue eyes. She stands at about 5'8" or 170cm and is built thin while still healthy. She carries the strong features known of the Delorano family with her higher cheek bones and soft skin known among it's women. She is often dressed in rich and fashionable attire as she is often looked to for her elegance. [u]Personality:[/u] Fiona is cunning and smart with a outwardly kind and gentle demeanor. She has a very regal aura about her as it transcends from the way she walks, sits, eats, speaks and dresses. [u]Biography:[/u] Fiona is the only living sibling of Leon. She was married at puberty to Richard Gatterro of House Gatterro, the older brother of it's current leader Olivia Gatterro. This marriage, while arranged was planned in hope of improving the bond between the two families. While she was only 14 at the time she learned quickly what was expected of her and worked to build the balance between the families. At 17, after two miscarriages, Fiona gave birth to a son named Lorenzo who quickly became the bridge between the two houses. After a few years, Richard passed away from plague leaving Fiona and a young Lorenzo to move in with Leon once again. Throughout the time spent at House Gatterro, Fiona was met with hostility for baring the name and features of the rival house. Through her time there she learned of many of the deep rifts between the families and also gained some allies among the younger and more distant relatives of the main house. After moving back to her family home and returning to her family name, the family was again, hostile towards her for her time spent with the Gatterro family. With this anger she grew, learned and developed into the strong and cunning woman she is today. [u]Position In House Delorano:[/u] Sister of Leon and Aunt to all his children. [u]Equipment:[/u] Fiona is most often seen wearing a red dress with a pendent carrying the crest of the Delorano family, given to her by her mother. She carries under the cloak of her dress a small dagger of which only her son knows of. [u]Skills:[/u] Human +1 to chosen field (Grace) [u]Gifted:[/u] Grace and Reputation [u]Above Average:[/u] Acumen and Skulduggery [u]Deficient:[/u] Brawling and Soldiery[/hider]