[b]Username:[/b] DaredevilSpider [b]Secret Password:[/b] purple. (include this in charry bio please) :p [b]Char. Name:[/b] Legal: Mikael Verrenzio, Known as: Wolfsbane [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender and/or sex:[/b] male [b]Race:[/b] human [b]Class:[/b] assassin [b]Appearance:[/b] Wears maroon undershirt and pants with a black hooded cloak over both. Red cloth mask covering mouth and nose, can be worn or lowered. Black leather gloves. Dark brown boots. Has pale skin with long, dark black hair, and deep blue eyes. Large scar around left chin area. Short, 5'5". Pretty in shape, but not body builder status, just enough to get the job done. Carries two ebony daggers, a short bow/ quiver with arrows, and some poison bottles. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet and ruthless, does what he has to in order to get paid. Works alone, and trusts no one. [b]Background/History:[/b] His father died when he was 16, and he was forced to support his mother by himself, as she was unable to work. He had no idea how to he was going to get the money, until one day at the age of 17, he stumbled upon a man offering him good money for a simple job. Of course, he accepted. Before he could even process it, he was on his way to assassinate a man just because another wanted him dead. But what else could he do, he needed money, and they promised lots of it. He did the deed and returned to the man, only to find out he had lied and was not going to pay him. Later that evening, he snuck into the man's house and killed him in his sleep, taking all the money he could find. He started to realize something; he liked to kill. He actually enjoyed it. And it would give him the money he needed. Those were the first of many to become victims of Mikael. He started taking jobs and bounties from anyone who would pay him, and over the years he developed the nickname, Wolfsbane. Fitting, for a man of his style. He had become a full-fledged assassin. [b]Interests:[/b] All he is interested in is who will give him the most money, he doesn't care about their intentions or goals. He kills if the pay is good enough, and he asks no questions about it. [b]Any pets or travel companions?:[/b] none [b]Anything else we need to know?:[/b] nope