[b]Hey! Hello! Hi-Hi! I'm Arcanus, nice to meet you, thanks for stopping by![/b] [i]I am majorly up for a 1x1 RP, and I have several ideas in mind, any of which I'll be totally committed to and flexible with. Now obviously I need a partner! But first, look below at the list of ideas, pick the one your most up for, and then feel free to PM me and we can get started! [/i] [b][color=ed1c24]NOTICE: PLEASE COMMENT/POST BELOW AND MAKE IT CLEAR WHAT IDEA YOU ARE UP FOR BEFORE YOU PM ME![/color][/b] [i]I don't need, oh say, two or three people to message me and I'm forced to choose between them and leave somebody out. Exclusion isn't fun or nice :([/i] [i]I am only up for ONE 1x1 RP right now, so first come first serve.[/i] [b]Now, here are the ideas/topics to pick from;[/b] [hider=IDEAS/TOPICS] •The Last of Us (Original Storyline and Characters) •Contract Killer/Professional Assassin Original RP •Far Cry "Style" RP (Original Characters, Story, and Setting) •Original Sci-Fi Adventure RP •Original Modern Day Treasure Hunter RP (Uncharted and Tomb Raider inspired) •Original Super Hero-Super Villain RP •Third World Criminal Empire RP [/hider] [color=fff200][b]NOTE: Please read the "Personal Rules" tab in my Profile Biography before hailing and contacting me.[/b][/color]