Fleshed history out. Those are always my trouble areas. [Hider=Expeditionary Dossier] [B][COLOR=#add8e6]Appearance:[/COLOR][/B] Dark eyes full of fire and intensity are what most people notice when they first meet Al'Mukal. This copper skinned pathfinder and mercenary is lean, with a trim figure and long legs. His black hair is wavy, loose and tousled. Scars crisscross his left arm just above the elbow. He wears the typical Expeditionary uniform, albeit he's made it look rather worn and ragged due to his nature. His sash belt is also crimson colored, reminiscent of his Akivir homeland. [COLOR=#add8e6][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR] Al'Mukal Sharam [B][COLOR=#add8e6]Age:[/COLOR][/B] 26 [B][COLOR=#add8e6]Race:[/COLOR][/B] Human, Akivir [B][COLOR=#add8e6]Profession:[/COLOR][/B] Tracker [B][COLOR=#add8e6]Personality:[/COLOR][/B] Al'Mukal is single minded and determined. When a task is set in front of him, he will see it to the end unless given great reason not to. The frontier is his home, the earth is his bed, and the sky is his clock. While he is often unused to spending time with people for very long, he can still be quite charming with his earnest, humble, yet somewhat mischievous view of the world. Growing up in a world rife with conflict, he sees violence as a necessary reaction to corruption and greed. However, he sometimes yearns for it, which he is frightened of more than the violence himself. One should note, he's driven just as much by curiosity of the unknown and loyalty to his faith as he is by the promise of riches and excitement. [B][COLOR=#add8e6]Backstory:[/COLOR][/B]Born as a commoner in the Akivir nation, Al'Mukal was the son of a trader who would ship his cargo between cities, often hiring mercenaries and trackers that would bring tales of fortune and adventure to him, who would in turn tell them to Ak'Mukal. To the young Al, the open desert was a vast and mysterious place, and he even gained a desire to read when he found out knowledge of this land, and distant lands to the east and west could be gained from books. He learned quickly, his mother learning alongside him and his little sister and doing her best to teach them what she only had rudimentary skills in. When he was not working in his father's shop, listening to traveler's tales, and reading, he was trying to keep himself and his little sister out of trouble. They were often bullied, which lead Al'Mukal to gain a somewhat shady and silent nature. When he was thirteen years of age, his father was killed by a business partner when trying to blackmail him out of his trade assets. His mother married another man who attempted to set Al'Mukal to work for him, but the young boy's spirit was crushed. Al'Mukal fled into the wilderness, joining a group of ne'er-do-wells and thieves and living off whatever they could for the next few years. It was an act of desperation, and a cheap bid at freedom and to throw off the shackles of his life, in which he felt trapped. Thieving was not something he ever wanted to partake in however, despite his enjoyments of living out of the civilized world. It was a particular occasion that made him leave his thieving crew behind on spirit, when he was forced to threaten someone for their money at Knife point. The Guilt would never leave him. One day he stumbled upon an Maer caravan far from the road and lost. After uneasy introductions, he helped them out and guided them back to the city. With each step, he felt more and more whole. Almost as if he was living his early dreams. In a way, he felt like he was honoring his late father, for he had always encouraged Al'Mukal's passions for travel. He decided to become a businessman of sorts, like his father. Only his wares would be his protection and guidance for travelers among the desert. This lasted two years, until he was offered the role as a Mercenary for an outfit set on exploring the deeper reaches of the desert. Only mysterious, half legendary creatures and foolhardy cutthroats would travel into the deepest reaches of the sand dunes. Fighting off bandits, the team found an Oasis and summarily rediscovered an old, lost trading route that cut the time moving between two prominent cities in half. Needless to say there was much rejoicing, and the merc team's fame spread throughout the local region. When he returned to the city, he was greeted by an Ilya noblemen who needed a guide that would take him through the less traveled paths out of the desert, for he had much gold and precious cargo. Al'Mukal agreed, and was even invited to go back with them to their homeland, traversing the west. It was an opportunity he couldn't pass up, becoming a scout for the Noble's entourage and receiving a steady pay, a uniform, a place to stay, and a musket. He worked for the man for some years as a tracker and extra muscle, while pulling off small mercenary and exploratory jobs on the side during his free time to earn extra cash. He was introduced to western culture, and even speaks more or less akin to them now, living among them the past eight years or so. He particularly recalled being sent as a hired sword for a Caravan that traveled to Yggdra and the vast, primordial forests that towered over him like the Gods of old.It was when he looked upon it the Great tree that he felt a religious fervor he had not felt since he was a small boy. It was the majesty of nature that was holiness. It was a sight he would never forget, and when he made it back to Ilya, he stood a little bit taller and spoke with more surety than he had before. To be called upon this crusade to the new world is not only a chance for adventure, but in a way, he felt it to be divine edict. [COLOR=#add8e6][B]Skills and Abilities:[/B][/COLOR] [list] [*]Marksman: Steady aim with a rifle. [*]Close Combat: Quick with a fist or a blade. [*]Tracking skills: Can follow man and beast through forest and desert. [*]Survival skills: Knows how to survive in most environments, and can adapt to new situations with little civilized resources. [*]Literate: He can read. [*]Acrobatics: While no gymnist, he can certainly scale many obstacles, leap across crevices, and run quickly. [*]Fire Magic: During his time with the bandits, he learned how to spout a simple flame. He cannot handle more than a small one though. Enough to begin a fire, or when in particular need, engulf someone's face for a short time. [/list] [B][COLOR=#add8e6]Equipment:[/COLOR][/B] [list] [*]Rune Pattern Ethergun. [*]Long Akivir Knife (1.5 foot blade) [*]Water Canteen [*]Herbs that help reduce bleeding and infection [*]Expeditionary Uniform/Gear [*]30 feet of rope [/list] [/hider]