Kili caught his godmother's words, and her question made him feel somewhat defensive in regards to Thorin and the others. That tone of voice was so unlike her. "They didn't mean for this to happen," he looked up to Saeril, completely insistent and biased when it came to his kin. "This is not their fault," at that, his eyes landed towards Fili in a silent search for his input. Surely his brother would not blame them too. "...Is it?" The shore was littered with survivors, but there had been plenty of casualties, too. A man clad mostly in colors of gray and black studied them from afar, his gaze piercing through the crowd of people. Kili had taken notice of him, but when he turned back, the stranger was gone. [i]How odd.[/i] Brows knit, Kili stepped forward, overwhelmed by what had come to pass. "We need to get to the mountain..." "That won't be easy now, dwarf." Directly behind him, the man now stood, his expression neutral. His dark features seemed to match with his clothing, and his voice was icy at best. "Judging by appearance...I'll assume you lot belong to the others that went to the mountain."