[h2]Fourth GM Application (No Experience Needed):[/h2] Because I need to outsource more work to third-world countries, I’ll need a fourth GM for Wisheater (and also because Bak’s and banjo’s lives are starting to gnaw viciously on their faces). As everyone knows, we RP to write stories with each other and, probably more importantly, have fun doing it without ruining someone else’s fun. Engaging in meaningful interactions with characters inside an interesting (hopefully) setting tends to satisfy both of those main reasons. That means the GMs need to provide both aspects (meaningful interactions and setting) in sufficient quantity and quality to keep the RP hale and hearty. Usually players manage the first aspect just fine without intervention, but where needed, a GM’s hand could be the difference between invested writing and bare-bones reciprocation, individual player efforts notwithstanding. The application for the fourth GM position, then, will involve just two things:[hr] [list][b]1.[/b] Write a short story (your mileage may vary on what “short” means, but we’ll read whatever you send) set in the Wisheater universe that [i]does not include[/i] your character. You can write it from the perspective of a random citizen, or you can try interpreting an NPC, or maybe a rogue mage running around. It doesn’t matter, just get creative. Where you’re not certain on a rule or aspect of the universe, [i]make shit up[/i]. Managing a large group means planning and adaptability are both required in equal and significant amounts. We won’t answer anything about the application to keep things fair (and we're trusting you to not try and disguise questions as "next post" queries), but remember that the goal isn’t to write a textbook-perfect panorama of the universe. The goal is to write an engaging short story, because in-universe rules aside, the core of a GM’s job is always to keep things engaging in some fashion. You won’t please everyone, but if you’re applying, I sure as hell expect you to try.[/list] [list][b]2.[/b] Follow up the short story with a list of [i]no more than[/i] ten questions you may have about the universe. You may have less than ten. The questions give us an extra peek into your thoughts and let us see what you prioritize in terms of setting infrastructure. Of course, we won’t answer any of those questions unless you’re kidnapped as the fourth GM. [/list] [hr] PM the application to all three GMs (or link us a Google Doc, Etherpad, Imgur pic [???]—however you want to do it) when you’re done. The one we like best will be the fourth GM. Applications are due by the end of February 28, 2017 ([url=https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/retirement?iso=20170301T00&p0=137&msg=GM+Application+Deadline&font=cursive]deadline timer[/url]).