Five inquisitors had saw the peril of the situation, the snake weaving through the system, the darkness clawing through the light, and even with their will combined it was too late to prevent the failings of sentimental customary gratitudes. Because the church so generously shared the law with rabble like herself motions were put into play to appease the crowds and show a unified front. So tokens like the Solaris were born. But now the very tool used to once unify and uphold the law now sat at opposing ends to their wishes and was being used to undermine their holiest of orders. The people had to know fear and panic as to not repeat the mistakes of the past. To put purpose to the woman's death and bring her to the light one last time. But perhaps the witches death had brought purpose after all. Azerus was given an insight greater than anyone would gain from witnessing a burning body. He was blessed to see the gods will in action. Their meeting had been no coincidence but fate instead, it was beautiful. An ending of one era, a purpose now filled, phase one of a greater plan complete. His path was clear, he never looked back as the darkness engulfed him. His breathes slow and steady, feet soft and silent, his direction true and confident as he returned to the church with the sole purpose to seek guidance and learn the correct method of removing the title of Solaris from the unworthy. He reported to the priest what he had to and immediately after bathing sought what little holy books were available on tradition and the copies of history and titles that every church held and updated.