Tommy smiled at Bulk Lad, looking back at him as he flew backwards. He enjoyed flight immensely, he thought he might never set down on the ground again. “If you know much about old heroes, perhaps you will be the judge of that.” He turned his head to look forward as they approached their destination, his smile slipping off of his face. “I suppose we'll see now. We won't want people being interrupted as we get civilians to safety. I'll see if I can catch his attention. Maybe we can get him talking.” Captain Marvel sped forward before someone could comment on his naïveté. He landed lightly on what was once a roof, but now sat crooked only a few feet above the ground. “Hey there!” He kept his hands up in a casual, non-threatening gesture, “I suppose you feel as though you have a good reason for what you're doing. Maybe if you let me know what it is, we can work things out. What's your name? I'm Captain Marvel.”