[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/940df9d5e706458e9e749a4572ce4f2a/tumblr_mm3ap80WF51snj5eqo1_400.gif[/img][hr][color=crimson][h1]Nylah Weiss[/h1][/color][hr][sup]Central Park Reservoir → Home → Bagel Place || Phillip via text [@hushedwhispers], Kieran via text [@neoAC], Cecilia via text [@MissCapNCrunch], Olivia via text [@QueenoftheBee], Rui via text [@Vlerchan][/sup][/center] The music pumping from Nylah’s earphones dimmed to allow a ‘ding’ to surface and inform Nylah that she’d received a new text message. Slowing down to a walking-pace jog, Nylah slipped the device out of its pocket in her armband — a impulse buy she’s not yet regretting, for once — and clicked it on to see Phillip apologizing for bailing out. Slowing to a stop at the side of the road, Nylah typed a quick response to the boy. Philly Cheesesteak — [indent][b][color=crimson]Np, birthday boy. Would like a notice in advance next time so I’m not awkwardly stretching for twenty mins, but no worries. And duh? What else do you think got me through the week?[/color][/b][/indent] Depositing her phone back in its rightful place in her armband, Nylah started up running again, eyes focused on nothing in particular. [i]Alright, Nylah. One more loop — let’s do this,[/i] she thought encouragingly to herself as she amped up the pace. Her hair — tied back — swished behind her, but Nylah ignored it in favor of the chilly yet refreshing morning breeze and the background noise of Sia’s [i]The Greatest[/i]. [hr] When the run was done and over with, Nylah had hitched a ride home on a taxi. A shower and a change of clothes later, Nylah checked the clock and figured that it was about time to go buy some real food. Picking up her phone, she pulled up Kieran’s number. The Bear of Sesame— [indent][b][color=crimson]Morning, sunshine! I’m heading down to the bagel place, if you wanna join me. Famished — I’ll buy if you come keep me company.[/color][/b][/indent] Hitting the send button with a grin, Nylah slid her phone into her bag, double-checked as to whether she’d forgotten anything, and made for the door. [i]Feels like a booties kind of day,[/i] she mused to herself, pulling the shoes off the shoe rack and slipping them on before checking herself out in the mirror she’d set up directly across from the door. A girl dressed in red plaid over a white long sleeve and black leggings smiled at her, and Nylah winked back. [i]This’ll do for now. We’ll save the fancy-schmancy stuff for tonight.[/i] Locking her door and walking down the single flight of stairs, Nylah unlocked her car with a beep of her keys and started it up, making for the bagel place. [i]Wonder if I should give Kieran a call?[/i] she thought as she pulled into the parking lot a small distance from the shop. Around five minutes later she was in line — any bagel store that didn’t have a line around brunch wasn’t a real NYC bagel store — waiting to order her toasted turkey-avocado bagel sandwich. Pulling out her phone as she waited, Nylah grinned and drafted a few responses to various chat groups. The Whole Gang — [indent][b][color=crimson]Let’s do a little costume contest then? One vote per person, and no self-nominations. Unless you’re the birthday boy. Calling Wrath.[/color][/b][/indent] The Perpetually Drunk Epicureans — [indent][b][color=crimson]I wanted to go as Gluttony — mostly so no one can complain if I drink all the booze. But, since that’s Ollie’s job, I’m choosing Wrath for the bright red theme. You two?[/color][/b][/indent] “Next!” the cashier called. As the person in front of her left, Nylah looked up and noticed that she was now first in line. [i]Alright Kier-bear. It’s now or never for that free bagel sandwich,[/i] Nylah thought, looking around the cafe for a specific long-haired blonde.