Kili's heart sank. Saeril was right, of course. Dis wouldn't have risked the well being of others, not even for Erebor. There was nothing else that could be said; he couldn't defend Thorin any further, not until he knew what had truly happened. [b]Keep your distance. From me.[/b] Kili wasn't sure if he'd heard correctly. They'd never been distant before. For much of the journey, he had remained by her and Fili. "But why?" Before he might get an answer, the man showed up, startling him with his swiftness. "Who are you?" Kili eyed him with distrust; he didn't like the looks of this man. There was nothing welcoming nor friendly about him; he seemed completely unfazed by the burning town behind them. Rather than admit that they belonged to the others, Kili returned the speculation with a question of his own. "What do you want?" The man scoffed, looking down to the youngest member there. "I'll get right to the point; I want some of the gold in that mountain of yours." Arms folded, he looked to Saeril, beliving her in charge of the ragtag group. "In return, I will take you to the mountain. I will get you there fast and undetected. You may think it a simple enough task, but I know a better way...had those fools listened to me, they may have been able to gain access without waking the dragon." Kili felt his blood boil. This man had no right to make such demands, and he certainly had no right to refer to his uncle as a fool. On impulse, he started to reach for his sword, only to find that it was not there. [i]Of course. [/i]They hadn't any weapons. The man shook his head when he took notice of this. He expected as much coming from a dwarf. They tended to be hotheaded and unthinking. "I can supply you with adequate weaponry as well."