[@El Noche] Sleeping it off- The goblin soon rested after the big fight he had with Lomen and he would soon find out that because the fight was hard won that the next day he would get his first debilitating status ailment. The next time he would wake up he would see a timer in front of him and above said timer would be [color=ed1c24][b]Status Ailment: Sore[/b][/color] he would feel aches and pains over his body but it was a sign that he gained muscle mass from the hard exercise that was the mock hunt. [hr] [@Duthguy] The goblin helped heal his brothers wounds with the ointment grandpa teached him to make and he afterward started to make his club once again. As it got dark the goblin soon went to sleep knowing that he helped his brother and was now working towards becoming a talented healer. [hr] [@December] The young runt was using his skill of excavation and was able to dig through the walls faster then his much stronger brother Lomen. As he dug he soon hit another vein of iron ore. He found an area where all his brothers and sister was able to see the ore that would change everything for them. He soon fell asleep near his alcove knowing he was safe their being the only one small enough to fit their. [hr] [@demonspade64] Target Practice- The young goblin soon created targets for herself to use as she grabbed her spear and thrusts the spear as fast and as hard as she could. As the young goblin used speed to developed her strikes to be quick and hit hard she soon got tired. It took a very long time and it wasn't until she was exhausted that she learned another new skill. [b]Goblin Luz:[/b] Goblin Luz learned [i][b]Quick multi strike[/b][/i] this skill was a hard one to learn but because she trained for hours on end she learned how to strike multiple targets with great speed and precision however this also quickly depletes the goblins stamina so it should only be used sparingly. Once the goblin learned the new skill she got to tired to keep training. She then fell asleep for the next day. [hr] [@The 4 Winds] Slumber- The Goblin was touched by his brothers kindness and how they were working hard to help him in their own ways. Eventually thought the hard fought goblin was able to pass out and fall asleep from his fight. He would gain the same ailment as Zectoll however because he was treated with the salve from Stegs his timer would be half of that of Zectoll all goblins can heal from their wounds but getting treatement will always lessen the time it takes for the body to properly heal. [hr] [hr] The very next day Grandpa looked out and noticed that the sun has shinned down and while their was mud and some puddles outside the cave it was safe for the little ones to leave once again. Grandpa stayed at his regular spot and waited for his young ones to go and explore once again hoping he will not need to perform a burial service later.