[img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/9ad9/f/2017/030/0/1/4_by_aaronmk-daxawh0.jpg[/img] Welcome back, it's 5PM on my end and the day is beginning, but night has dawned on the arena. As the sun sets Borg and Bad Shot cuddle for warmth, as murder is afoot in the Fig ranks: User strangles Cyber in his sleep. Keeping alliances further within board ranks, the basket of deplorables and Mary, Queen of Scots holds hands. And why would the Deplorables not try to get on her good side? She has a gulag, and the Deplorables must put tails in it for revenge. Vman all the while is haunted by the terribly aggressive spectra of Gahndi, who will teach him the meaning of Ahmisa whether or not he likes it. The fires of Revolution burn within the heart of UltimateAI, and like Gahndi must be the ghost stories told by the Proletariat, Witch Cat, Frecinette, and a Squirrel around nightly campfires. These things must be the nightmares of Stalin, who fears being usurped by a greater proletariat threat. But Cynder is safe, as he sets about constructing a Minecraft mud hut safe in the woods, giving him shelter from the winds and the rain. But will it save him from the revolutionary forces of Ultimate? ClocktowerEchos though does not care, she has found love in Vicodin and together they climb a tree and make love in its branches. Gustav Mannerheim, Zen, and Vilage sit beside a fire, oblivious to the lovemaking in the arena, surely worried about the haunting of Duthguy by Procellus. Somehow Tails does nothing. And Chibi becomes a miserable sod. A tank meanwhile is ill, and tries to treat its infected treads. Or maybe its crew has all come down with the gout? Octavia snuggles with a wizardly dog, the two seeking the magic of companionship. With that, the SpamBot is alone, and looks longingly at the stars telling himself, "If Manchester kitchen wares could be advertised to the stars, how much more purpose will I have?" Vizzini, the slave to Allyster is meanwhile sent on an infiltration mission. He has won the trust of Broby and the Royal Navy and reports back to Allyster the might slingshot which Broby has crafted and the monumental amount of supplies the Royal Navy has. Allyster, who has shown his magical skill by making Vizzini his slave sharpens a hatchet in preparation for future ops. In unrelated circumstances, Karl Marx sits down with Q and Sethisto who discuss the games. Suddenly Marx's accomplishment so far appear considerably smaller than he would believe. Marx, who thus far has only fled the Cornucopia and discovered the merits of his own economic system hears from contestants who have made successful murders. This none the less impresses Marx, and inspires him to do more, lest he be relegated to obscurity. Nova snuggles with the devil. Discord considers victory and video chat, Kaethela gets explosives as the Karling gets medical supplies to help him survive the Black Death. Light Landstrider starts a non-revolutionary fire. [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/9324/f/2017/030/0/c/5_by_aaronmk-daxawhd.jpg[/img] The day opens with Mary finishing construction on a small shack. She will stay there now. She doesn't want to associate with nobles who receive aid from squirrels. She's her own strong independent matriarch. It may also help protect her from the one-two-punch of Stalin and Witch Cat. Elsewhere in the arena, a battle ensues. Following last night's discussion Sethisto decides to take Marx along on a hunting trip and together they find Discord who comes alone. The trio come upon a band made up of Vilage, Light, and User and in the battle all three are killed. Sethisto has given the father of communism his first taste of blood? Does he like it? Time will tell, but it all started here folks. Vicodin, having had love made the previous night dies of starvation. Which is unfortunate because he could have saved Nova who is killed with a wayward arrow aimed at Allyster by Gustav. This gives Allyster time to run, while Gustav at least gets a kill. As the dust settles, Broby appears from the brush to consume Nova's corpse to extract his/her essence and to gain strength. And also to prevent him from dying like Vicodin. Allyster's network continues to swell as he escapes death, his slave Vizzini likewise manages to enslave Borg to his will. Is this a growing network the foretells the rise of an Empire of Allyster? Clocktower tries to make another point for the Guild, but fucks up and Clocktower escapes. Kae runs from Diablo. The T34 is however on the hunt for water, such as the very water Indigo Montoya discovers. This is the River of Indigo now. Tails decides to do something today and he teams up with BadShot. Procellus follows Mary late in the real-estate game and foregoes personal tradition in grandiose conquests and catches a turtle for soup and a turtle shell helmet. SpamBot meanwhile builds a Spam Shack, baby. Yea, we're all going to spam shack. Folk gonna be looking for the Spam Shack. Cynder considers what might be sexual harassment considered the picture use, but takes it a step further and rips out AI's heart. AI dies seeing his own heart beating before him. From his cave Zen looks out and the arena and concludes he needs a faithful man slave. He encounters Q and decides a man who already has a kill under his belt is a good bet and manages to enslave Q to his bidding. The Proletariat arms themselves. But not just with any arms: but with nukes. Wizard Dog smokes some dope kush as Vman sleeps. Gahndi is given clean water, and the Deplorables attend to the entire Royal Navy's scurvy. [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/b385/f/2017/030/3/1/6_by_aaronmk-daxawhj.jpg[/img]