[h1]Vorehm[/h1] [h3]Dublin[/h3] [hr] “Ladies and Gentleman,” the voice of Empress Kelly addressed the small meeting of Vornehm officials, gathering their attention, “Operation Icepick is now a go. With Iceland incorporated into our folds, we might properly use it as a naval base should war go to Greenland or Scotland. Personally, I feel our first priority should be to help and stabilize Greenland. They have many materials we require and their hydroplants are state of the art, allowing us more energy.” A second voice came from the other side of the room, Emperor Kelly, who spoke in a softer tone than his sister. “Yes, Greenland is economically important which is why we should advance with post haste so that we can control it while the English and the Aldoran are not gazing. Sadly, our window is small and we must get them to lose interest in us before we can expand our borders.” A murmur came over the gathering, the admirals and generals discussing what best course of action should be taken considering what their leaders had said. One, Admiral Conley O'Donnell, voiced his concerns. “What of the English? We must be prepared should war come to us. Surely you two do not intend to simply ignore them.” Conley stated, pulling up a map of the sliver of water that disconnect the English Island and the Vornehm Island. “I propose we begin constructing more ships to be stationed at that straight, as well as get more naval bombers to prevent any form of landing on the island.” “Very well. Master Constructor, send word to the naval department to begin construction of at least three battlecruisers. As well, Officer Achilles, I want you to design a new naval bomber which will guarantee enemy ships to sink.” Empress Kelly, stated before sliding her hand across the table, an automated voice stating that the meeting was adjourned. The Empress rose to her feet and strolled out of the chamber as the officers went about their business as to not disappoint the hierarchs. Dressed in a pure white suit with a golden trim, the Empress made her way to her personal chambers. A courier, dressed as abnormal soldier should be, intercepted her and held out a holopad to his Empress, giving a report of the situation. “My lady, the English have lodged a complaint against our annexation of Iceland. What is your response?” The Empress thought to herself for a moment, coming to a conclusion. “Tell them that it has been noted. Tell them that such a thing should not be a cause for complaint since the annexation was in fact peaceful and of the Icelanders own will and should not worry of what we do so long as the Aldoranians remain as large and powerful as they do. That will be all.” She signed part of the holopad with her finger before handing it back to the courier who ran off to the Foreign Office to deliver the news. The English, they would always be a thorn in the side of Vornehm so long as they took notice to the actions of their neighbor. However, war over something small would not be good for the international image. Soon she received word that the Aldoran would be sending a diplomat, only tightening a nought in her back. Those people were worse than the English.