[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr] [b][i][color=ed1c24]Highway Heading Towards Newnan[/color][/i][/b] - Meg is able to get the hoard that was headed towards Newnan to go the other direction and head south, away from everyone. Strike one up for the goods guys. She will be able to get back to Newnan without issue and may do so in her next post. With everyone else out on the road in the Hoardbuster, things are as calm as they can be being transported in large truck like the Hoardbuster (Those that don't this, check the original OOC post for all the details on this rig.) - All patients are holding steady for now, the dead remain dead, and Astrid is not saying anything at this point. Simply sitting there running her fingers over Bridgette's braids as she looks at her friend that has passed away, knowing she will be joining her soon enough. The roads are in the same condition that they were on the way out and the Hoardbuster will get to Newnan when Ash says it does. (In other words, it won't arrive there until Sigil posts again, so post accordingly.) [b][i][color=ed1c24]Franklin High School[/color][/i][/b] - Sana's leg gets wrapped up in no time and she lets out of a sigh of relief as she is finally able to roll over off her stomach and sit up fully. "Thank you," she said before looking over at the new comer. "You did a good job," she added as she rolled her shoulders back. "Okay, starting run down. Hungry? Have an known injuries we need to take a look at? Planning to kill us in our sleep? You know, the usual questions," she asked with half a smirk as she slowly slipped off the gurney. [b][i][color=ed1c24]Newnan Courthouse (Jail Cells Area)[/color][/i][/b] - "Oui, we need to get things cleaned up as quickly as we can and clear out the infirmary as fast as we can. We do no know how many Captain is bringing back but we do know that before he had to go on his rescue mission, Astrid said there was at least 1 amputee," Froggy said before glancing towards Ryan and motioning for Kris to follow him. Once they were down the hall and on their way to the infirmary he stopped. "Careful of that one," he warns. "Now, you go to the infirmary and help out, please send the little Ballerina outside if she is able to help me be ready for the groups return while you and Neisha take care of the rest," he says before heading for the front of the courthouse. [b][i][color=ed1c24]Newnan Streets[/color][/i][/b] - Streets are clear and the people are getting back to normal as best they could while some are still out readying for the return of the group. Continue forward. [b][i][color=ed1c24]Newnan Infirmary[/color][/i][/b] - "We had a gas line burst after a water heater failed, two explosions. Last I saw they were trying to get it under control but then I got knocked down and didn't see anything else until Doc came over to me. Not that I was out my dear, just laying flat on my back looking up at the evening sky. If it weren't for the explosion it would have been very relaxing," she laughed slightly. Tatiana gave a quiet chuckle like the coo of a bird from the way Miss Sally was speaking. "I see Doc is finally letting you help out in here and that you have your own assistant, good job," Miss Sally added as she sat there.