[hider=Valentin Kuznetsov][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmM4MzYyOC5WbUZzWlc1MGFXNGdTM1Y2Ym1WMGMyOTIuMAAA/propaganda.regular-version-1-00.png[/img] [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8236/8576646494_3bcdc0dff1_b.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24] [b]Role:[/b] Engineer [b]Age:[/b] 30...something (He doesn't answer age questions) [b]Gender:[/b] Male...presumably? [b]Race:[/b] Human cyborg [b]Personality[/b] Valentin has.. uh.. a few screws loose. Erratic to the extreme but generally well meaning if you're on his good side. The problem is knowing if you're on his good side. Those he respects, he mocks. Those he doesn't, he mocks and throws things at. He's antisocial and yet is more than willing to pop up and butt into conversations when he's least required. He values other's opinions about as much as a monkey with down syndrome and is more than happy to let others know this. Even so, most tend to deal with his antics simply for the fact that he can be amusing..and he keeps the ship flying. [b]Biography[/b] Valentin's known backstory only really starts after Captain Lemaire commandeered The Leviathan and slaughtered the rest of the crew. He would have gone with them but it soon became apparent that the ship was so modified and jerry-rigged that there was no way in hell that it would fly without his efforts. Since then he has flown with his new captain, a somewhat functional relationship of grudging respect. She keeps him alive, fed and paid and he keeps her ship working. [b]Misc.[/b] Never assume Val is out of wrenches. Val is [i]never[/i] out of wrenches. [b]Does Valentin think Treasure Planet exists?[/b] He's heard the stories, only vaguely interested him due to the mechanisation of the planet itself. The Captain thinks so and that's enough for him, so long as he gets to fuck with it when/if they arrive. [b]Relationships[/b] Relationship with the Captain is pretty much as said in bio. Grudging respect, enough that he calls her captain and lets her think she runs the ship but not exactly best buddies. As for the rest of the crew, it's enough to say that he regularly calls them by different names seemingly unable to be bothered to remember their correct ones. [/color] [/center] [/hider]