EDIT: The description is complete! Hopefully I'll get the personality done tomorrow and the biography the next day. [hider=Felix Widget (Very, very incomplete. Edited once with description)] [center][h2]Felix Widget[/h2][/center] [img]https://s23.postimg.org/4tnvneh1n/6a692208e1d6e0c4a4d915908506d283.jpg[/img] [b]Role[/b] Cabin Boy [b]Age[/b] Says something different every time, and from the looks of him he usually vastly overestimates. An untrained eye would probably guess he's about 8 or 9. [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Race[/b] Mostly human. Has some species-mixing in his ancestry. His skin feels smooth and cold, almost like vinyl, and his eyes have a round, dark canine look. [b]Appearance[/b] A short, cheerful looking blond with strange dark eyes. The whites of his eyes are a dark brown and he has large, almost black irises with dilated pupils, resembling a domestic dog's eyes. His skin is eerily pale, and has an odd texture. He dresses simply in a white button down shirt, a brown vest, dark brown trousers that come to about his knees, and a red tie that he can't seem to tie properly. He owns no shoes to speak of. These are his only garments, and they are notably always covered in varying amounts of dirt and debris. He always seems to have a mischievous smirk on his face, and several stolen items in his various pockets. Also notable is that he walks with a bit of a limp. Probably something to do with the bullet scar behind his left knee. [b]Personality[/b] In progress [b]Biography[/b] To be honest I haven't even started this yet, but when I update this tomorrow it should be complete. [b]Misc.[/b] Probably going to be a few things here. [b]Does Felix think Treasure Planet exists?[/b] Believes himself to be too old for such stories. [b]Relationships[/b] (Character's Name) - (How your character feels about them). [/hider]