[b]Name of Nation:[/b] The Kingdom of Dixie [b]Government Type:[/b] A monarch serves as head of state, a Prime Minister serves as head of the government. The PM and Cabinet are drawn from Parliament and Parliament members are elected by their constituents. [b]Military:[/b] The military is made up of a Royal Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. It is a capable defense and invasion force that utilizes the best pre-war technology. The best conventional division is the 3rd Tennessee Cavalry, a combined air, armor and mechanized division. The best non-conventional unit are the Filibusters, Southern special forces comprised of twelve twelve man squads that do the work for the His Majesty's Government both at home and abroad. [b]Economy:[/b] Agrarian and Industrial. Industrial hubs are Atlanta, Birmingham, and Chattanooga. [b]Foreign Policy:[/b] Cordial with Southern Charm to potential allies and friends, but aggressively expansionist towards enemies and lesser nations. [b]History:[/b] Comprising eleven of the southern states in the former United States, in the aftermath of apocalypse a group of people united together for the common cause. Headed by a landed noble gentry, the Southern Aristocracy, these former states united as the Kingdom of Dixie. Under their first king, Thomas I, the Kingdom grew prosperous. The autocratic system the Kingdom used came into conflict with the disenchanted lower class, who soon rebelled. The rebellion resulted in the execution of King William III. Rebellion leader Paul Bryant, the fierce warrior known as the Bear, declaring the Republic of Dixie. The radical government lasted ten years under Bear's tight control. When the old man died, reactionary forces overthrew the Republic and brought the monarchy back. A new government with a ceremonial figurehead was put into place, William III's cousin James was crowned king and the Kingdom has continued to thrive in the years since. The patchwork of states that comprise the United States and the Western Alliance stand at an uneasy truce with the Kingdom, as does the Mexican Republic in the South. Tensions are on edge and the threat of a four-nation war could very well break out in North America. [b]Foes:[/b] Federals, Westerners, Mexicans, Canadians. [b]Demographics:[/b] 50 Million. 60% White, 30% Black, 10% other races.