[@GarlandDaHero] [@manapool1] I'll try to have the OOC up tomorrow. Before I get that up, I'll go on and explain the way things work for rolling the dice. First off, when you roll, your goal is low rolls usually, as a successful hit/crit/skill activation/etc is one whose roll is equal to or less than the percent chance of success. The only instance where a low roll is bad is when wielding a cursed weapon, and rolling to avoid the curse. The curse percent chance is (31-Lck)%, so a character with no luck would want to roll a 32 or above to avoid the curse, which must be done BEFORE rolling for Hit. For the order of possible rolls in a battle: Start by rolling for Vantage if the other team has the applicable Skill. Once attack order has been decided, roll the following in order for each attack: Backfire Rate (if using a Cursed Weapon); Hit Rate (Skip if Backfire activated); Mastery Skill Activation (if applicable; roll even if Backfired); Crit Rate (roll once for each hit of the Attack if a multi-hit attack, i.e. Astra; roll even if Backfired; a Backfire counts toward the WHOLE attack, not individual hits); Defender's Dual Guard (if applicable; roll once for each hit of a multi-hit attack); Defender's Defensive Skills [Mantle/Pavise, Miracle, and/or Counter, in that order should a character have multiple Defensive Skills] (if applicable; roll once for each hit of a multi-hit attack); Dual Strike (if applicable; roll ONLY ONCE at the end of ALL hits; if successful, also roll for Dual Strike Criticals and applicable Skills/Backfires in the proper order); Adept (if applicable; roll ONLY ONCE; DO NOT roll for Adept at the end of an Adept-Triggered attack; DO NOT roll for Adept if the character with the Skill is a Support Unit rather than a Lead Unit); proceed to next attack . . . Also, during each Level Up, roll once for each stat. If the value, again, is less than or equal to the given stat's % Growth, the stat is increased. However, in the case of an over-100% growth rate, 1 point is automatically given, and a roll is conducted against the excess over 100% to see if a second point is given.