[hr][hr] [center] [url=https://mbtimetraveler.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/sexy-cosplay-girls-35.jpg?w=550]ANIMA[/url] [h1][color=Magenta]Leah Goodspeed[/color][/h1][/center] Gliding down out of the sky a huge [url=http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/harpy-eagle-jim-day.jpg]Harpy Eagle[/url] comes to a landing on the rail of a fence near the entrance. The guards there are astounded by what they see as the huge raptor glares at them with yellow gold eyes as if it is considering them for their potential as calories then it hops off the fence and shifts shape as it falls becoming a beautiful platinum blonde. [color=magenta]Hello I am Leah Goodspeed and I was asked by a friend to attend this establishment as a potential expert in animals[/color] says the busty blonde as she fishes her ID out of her cleavage and hands it to the nearest one. The guards practically gape at her their pheromones displaying their interest in her as a potential mate or plaything which makes her smile and giggle delightedly. She would love to see if either male would make a good mate or plaything herself but she dare not because she would be soon great with child or children and she wasn’t ready for that as yet so she didn’t jump them. She thanked the two men and then shifted form into a [url= http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Azxzi9HYY7M/TsCWK2D3L7I/AAAAAAAAAhg/m6FqKY6pj2Y/s1600/Leopard6.jpg]Leopard[/url] and runs towards the building shifting back into her human self when she reaches the door and heads inside an presents herself at the reception desk handing the person there her ID. [@Wick]