[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TRECcGn.jpg[/img][/center][hr][sub][color=2DB8E0]S O L D I E R[color=333333]. . .[/color]E N C A M P M E N T[/color] / / [color=2483A0]Z A L E R A[color=333333]. . .[/color] T U N D R A.[/color][/sub][hr] London left the sounds of vomiting behind her. Others were following her towards the camp, but she paid them no mind. Having been at rest for a long period of time, she wanted something to do. Perhaps she could go hunt for food? No, as it turned out. Food was already being prepared as she made her way. She eyed the others in the camp. She had to admit, they had a unique vibe to them. She heard the distinct voice of her Aeon sounding, or more like reverberating in her head. [color=126881]"Remember not to trust them. They may be your fellow SOLDIERs, but I detect the power behind their facade. Their respective Aeons are..powerful. Some are frightening. Be on your guard."[/color] She rolled her eyes, she didn't need him watching over her. She was more than capable of handling herself. She mentally waved him away and continued forward. She noticed that, though it was cold, it wasn't as cold near the camp. She could chalk it up to the campfire, but she felt in her gut it there was more to it than that. She nodded her greeting to those that offered such, but she kept quiet. However, a man stepped forward and offered coffee. Coffee. It was one of few pleasures that London indulged in. She would kill for a good cup of it, but she imagined that, this being a camp site, the coffee was probably not great. Beggars couldn't be choosers though. She walked over to the man and pointed at the cup. [color=2DB8E0]"Coffee?"[/color] It wasn't a demand...or rather she tried her best not to make it sound like a demand, but she wanted a cup and yet, she didn't want to be vocal about it. She wasn't sure if she should provide her own vessel for the lovely liquid or if he would provide one, so she waited for further instructions. She needed that damn cup if she was to get through all of this.