[@KatherinWinter][@WildRose][@Aleranicus] [center]Marisol[/center] Mari tried to compose herself. "I'm sorry. I don't normally make such a mess of myself," she told the female trying to console her. She wondered if she was shellan to one of the Brothers. Perhaps the one that had just run past them? Rhage, had she called him that? "I called a friend to let him know I was alright and he got angry that the Brother brought me here," she explained quickly. "I'm Marisol... Mari," she added, reaching out a not very steady hand to shake the hand of the female before her. "I didn't meant to start all of this. Forgive me for disturbing you and your hellran," she said. ~~~~~~~~~~ [center]Noah[/center] The phone rang twice before it was picked up. "Good evening Madame," Noah spoke eloquently into the phone. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your call?" Things were explained quickly and in hushed tones. Noah listened with a straight face, his lips pulling tight the only indication of his feelings. "Understood. I am afraid the Masters are unavailable to speak at the moment, but I assure you the information will reach them within the house. Your call is much appreciated Madame. If there is anything you require of us in the future, do not hesitate to call again. Oh, and please look after yourself Madame," he added in a tone that spoke volumes. If the wrong person discovered the source and reason for the call, the female on the other end would be in mortal danger. After hanging up, he smoothed his jacket before straightening and going up the stairs. Two of the female guests were speaking in the hall and one of the masters was yelling at another over the phone line, a separate line from the rest of the house. Without batting an eye, as if all of this was completely normal, he entered the room and addressed Rhage. "Master Rhage, I apologize for interrupting, but I am afraid I have quite urgent and distressing news for the Brotherhood." ~~~~~~ [center]Rhage[/center] Rhage wanted to rip the phone from the wall. He growled deeply in frustration. "Z, I am not foolin Brother : GET. YOUR. ASS. BACK. NOW. Something's going down and we need you here." He slammed the phone down, confident that Z would return after hearing that. The Brother was loyal is anything. Stomping past Noah, he went into the hall and started banging on a door not far down the hall from theirs. "V! Something's going down my Brother. We need you out here." It was a shitty thing, to interrupt a female going through transition, but she should be through the worst of it now and would need sleep before needing to feed again. Hopefully whatever had Noah sweating bullets wouldn't take long. He found Juniper and Mari again in the hall. "Go back to the room," he told Mari. "And don't antagonize Zsadist when he returns. Just let him be." He turned to Juniper. "Looks like that tour of the shower is gonna have to wait," he said with a playful wink. "Enjoy yourself and I'll see you later. Be here when I get back, true?"