[img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/da02/f/2017/031/c/b/7_by_aaronmk-daxd0sc.jpg[/img] The night begins stunningly. The T38, who has so far done nothing but exist has stumbled upon evidence that a surviving tribute is the Zodiac killer. Is it the tank and its crew? Can't be, they found it which implies they didn't know it. I think someone needs to compile a list of suspects at this point. Because this could be the T38's defining moment. Chibi and the member of the Carolingian dynasty both are resupplied unceremoniously as well as Procellus. Coming to a truce tonight, the Wizard Dog and Karl Marx - who has fresh blood on his hands - decide to partner up and sleep in shifts, one watching out for the other. Or is it they're watching the other to make sure they're not up to something? But Vman learns about communism and its appreciable merits. Is this a side-effect of poor sleeping? Of Gahndi haunting him? Because really when you get down to it Gandhi was something of an anarchist; granted I don't know how this would apply to the theories of Marx and Engels but oh well. Borg questions his sanity, the first step in insanity. This might be a side-effect of Vizzini's enslavement spell. It's not as great as Allyster's, so it has some repercussions. The Illustriously non-posting Q is killed by Cynder. RIP him. But it's OK, but Sethisto is all for the Proletariat and none of them ever shall tell him to GO TO BED. Clocktower gets fed. Tails however comes upon something afoul and he suffers an excruciating rash on an embarrassing part of his body. But while Tails goes to beat that off, the SpamBot sits in his Spam Shack and thinks about winning. There's really nothing else to do when you're a never sleeping robot and the neighborhood squirrel is up all night chittering and chattering. Mary, the Queen of Scots gets to sit around with Kaethela, Gahndi, and Zen so she can tell them how much of a beta-tier loser t he Basket of Deplorables are and how easy it was to get them to repair her navy. Gandhi probably relishes in telling the party about how it is to haunt Vman into Communism. Zen has stories about his former slave Q, I guess. And Kaethela can tell them all about how the race war needs to happen to make the games great again. Broby and a spooky horse robot go up into a tree and make some legendary love. Vizzini, not done with his mind games converts the entire Royal Navy to fascism. The Basket of Deplorables, hearing of the Royal Navy's conversion to the belief of the superior race is depressed, and tries to get Duthguy to kill him. but Duthguy feels he's too Untermensch to both with and lets him live. The Deplorables sob uncontrollably as the mastermind Allyster has sex with a cat in a tree. [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/4f55/f/2017/031/c/0/8_by_aaronmk-daxd0si.jpg[/img] Sexual release can't save Octavia, she is killed by a landmine. And neither can fascism save all the hands of the royal navy from berry thorns, everyone returns to the ships with their hands covered in booboos. Gandhi passively fishes, Vizzini crafts a Wooden Spear of Allyster. A Karling tries to emulate the world renowned champion of the games - Broby - and makes a slingshot; because that royal fucker can't do anything. BadShot finds sustenance, and Broby himself suffers minor defeats to berry thorns. The most dangerous threat to Cynder though was not berries, but a squirrel. Fearing for his life he diverts its attention and runs away, fearing for his nuts. Borg becomes a Fascist of his own free will. This is starting to become spooky now. I need someone to hold me. I think we need a Stirner interlude. [img]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/027/776/d74.jpg[/img] Kaethela re-balances the field and renounces Fascism for Communism as Stalin begins to lose his mind. Depending on brand of communism though, we may need to keep Stirner around. The Basket of Deplorables finds a new basket, a new home. Like a hermit crab it changes baskets. Seth's love for the Proletariat and the Proletariat's newfound love for Trixie is a good enough invitation for the two to go out on a hunt with Witch Cat - coming off of the post-coitus glow from Allyster - and Zen - still having done nothing - go on a hunt for other tributes. Vman spams the ever loving shit out of Chibi with Korean ads about communism. Tails cuts the shit out of Frecinette. Allyster has no need for real work, what with a network now of two loyal fascists; Vizzini and Borg. So he practices his archery. Indigo is beaten by Procellus, but Procellus spares him. [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/00aa/f/2017/031/5/e/9_by_aaronmk-daxd0sm.jpg[/img] Not many deaths today. But there was much communism and fascism.