[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/158978-cataclysms-earth-divided/ooc]OOC thread here[/url] [b][color=fff200]Premise:[/color][/b] In 2897 Resources on earth are scarce, though technology is advanced enough to simulate food and water, the toxicity of these have proven to be too much for the human system to handle. Death tolls are rising, cancer being the common enemy. Those who aren't affected by this (whether it be from a strong immune system, enhanced living organism etc.,) live in space ships situated far from Earth, while the sick remain on a withered and dying Earth, attempting to grow food on a planet who just doesn't want to give back anymore. Specialized teams are sent out to find habitable planets, but as many dangers lurk interplanetary discovery it's fairly common for them to come back from their ventures in a body bag. It became a high risk and high reward job; some are called space mercenaries, but many refer to themselves as moonwalkers. A journey that not many are unwilling to embark on. [b][color=fff200]Brief History:[/color][/b] As technology became more advanced, humans grew harshly dependant on it. Tasks that were once arduous and required effort and skill became banal and easily accomplished by most. The Government and authorities, usually referred to as the Elites, had undoubtedly a huge role in shaping this dangerous mentality. Even something as simple as cooking is hardly ever seen anymore as any food could be acquired by a touch of a button. Restaurants were useless, and so were most businesses. Soon enough, only jobs in the technological and medical fields were viable anymore. This created a society divided between the working and ruling class and the ones left with the scraps and often not having the bare necessities to live. Death tolls grew higher and higher each year, a statistic often overlooked and even underreported to the working class. Though, when the Elites started falling, you can imagine a nation wide panic was quickly installed. No matter what class you were, if your immune system couldn't handle the toxicity, you'd end up sicker than a teenager getting wasted with their friends for the first time. Even if the technology had surpassed what everyone could have ever imagined, cloning the human body had still been impossible and their dreams of transferring to a younger and healthier host died along with them. The situation became dire, to the point of no return. The sick remained on earth, having little to no resource to help their cause. The lucky few, not needing Earth's resources to survive, moved to a makeshift home in space; away from the chaos and death, yet stunting their growth as a nation. They too were on survival mode. The Elites are presumably dead. Some believe, however, like everyone else, they may have had the genetics enhancements to survive the toxicity of the environment. --- I had started this on another board, but since this was the first ever RP forum I was a part of for a long time (maybe I'll get my old account back someday), I decided it was worth starting it on here. Basically, it's a mass effect type of RP. Action, sci-fi, aliens, the works. If you're interested, let me know.