[center][h1][color=EF5C86]Genevieve Dupoit[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center][color=EF5C86][b]Location:[/b][/color] Personal Shuttle[/center][hr] At the command, Genevieve rushed to her bathroom, fiddled with turning the damn thing on, and put the package in and flushed it as quickly as she could. She returned to her controls and, once she felt the bomb was safely on its way towards the Reaver ship, she broke away and followed the Vengeance. She was unsure if she should quickly dock back or just follow them. It would take less time for her to dock back, so instead she flew back to the ship and maintained as much speed as she could. She didn't want to be left behind. She wondered what was going on inside the Vengeance itself. Were the others ok? She knew Daphne was a good pilot and would get them out of this. Gideon could maintain repairs. Dorothy could help the injured. All was fine, wasn't it? Everything would be ok. She had to mentally tell herself that, over and over.