The hulking Altmer approached the flaming archway, several different feelings coming to him. He felt curiosity, which was replaced my awe, and that replaced by anger. Then he came to...fear. This brought great shame to the mighty paladin, but he could not help feeling anxious about what was beyond the gate. Such horrors had rarely been recorded, and as such Orintur had little idea of what he was about to face. Towering monstrosities made of rotting flesh and bone? The tortured screams of those taken to that wretched place by sadistic Dremora? Or would there just be an endless, unholy landscape of flame and perdition? Whatever it was that filled the world beyond, Orintur knew it was his duty to face it and, ultimately, destroy it. Or at the very least get rid of the dimensional tear leading to it. Orintur's slow, cautious steps turned into determined strides and he approached the Oblivion gate. Before entering, he turned to those that had not yet gone through and spoke what he thought were encouraging words. "Come, friends, though beyond this gate may lie unending horrors, we have the strength to end them all! Forward to combat and glory!" Charging through the gate with confidence, or in the eyes of some others, reckless abandon, hammer raised, the paladin steeled himself in preparation for whatever may lie in wait in the wretched, unholy realm of Oblivion.