King Sui watches this speech and laughs in his chamber. [i]"My turn"[/i] he thinks. [b]Aldoran[/b] [i]Hong Kong[/i] [s] [/s] "My great nation! I'm sure thanks to the new lifting of the television laws many of you have seen the Vornehm leader's speech. But, they call us ALL "dogs" they call us all evil! And for WHAT? I say! Trying to calm down the rebellions that the incapable Middle Eastern governments obviously CANNOT? Sure, I said we needed oil, and we do! BUT, that is not the main reason we have declared war! We will bring PEACE and PROSPERITY to a land that cannot give that! We are not backing out of this war! If Vornehm, The English, ANYONE! tries to cut ties with us, GO AHEAD I SAY! It will achieve nothing but false reasoning! We will make the Middle East a prosperous region like in ancient times ONCE AGAIN!" He roars and pounds his fist on the podium. The crowd cheers and whistles for the King. He had always had a knack for speeches. Back at the Capitiliai the King is in his War Room directing the war once more. He decides to push forward in the North and slightly in the South urging them to push in the middle to fall into his trap. They do what he wants and he laughs at the horrible strategist on the other side. Just that mistake took four thousand people. Only five hundred even dying! The others surrendered. "Ah, Mr. Shoing I see we're back at this again. Chasing a high value prisoner across the empire isn't fun I can tell you that and sadly, you know the rules for Vornehm citizens who avoid their sentence three times or more. I'm sorry. I was beginning to like you." At that moment Sui pulls out his APG .98 again, points it slowly at the prisoners skull and fires two shots. "*Sigh* I really don't like doing or watching that. Ok, time to travel to Russia for my meeting with the new Dictator in order to keep up our puny alliance. [b]New Russian Empire[/b] [i]Moscow[/i] [s] [/s] "Ol' Ruska! I see your getting along in your newly owned country well!" Sui says greeting the new leader. "Well yes, it's quite stressful though." He says frowning, "Of Course it is! You're ruling two hundred million people!" Sui protests, "This is true! So, how are things on the Western front and with the Europeans?" The new leader asks. "Well, the front is doing well, we have lost fifty thousand and they have lost one hundred and sixty seven thousand and then the Europeans," at this he raised his hand to his mouth like it was a secret when it really wasn't, "Well, like usual, they're pissed at me for no valid reason." Sui says. After a lot more talking and drinking the new leader says, "I know you will get angry, but I wish to end our alliance." The new leader snaps his hands and all of his guards get up to escort Sui out. Su raises his hands in surrender and walks out, sent off with a friendly goodbye that he doesn't return and he gets into the King's APC followed by an escort of fifty soldiers. He arrives back at the capital building and sees the diplomat he sent to Vornehm who shakes his head, "Not surprised." the King says and then, "Oh yeah, and you can take the next week off. That trip and those Vornehm people had to have been tiring." Sui remarks with a smirk. The diplomat just nods with a slight rise of his lips and walks off. Sui goes to his chambers. and falls asleep.