[img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/b8a7/f/2017/031/e/3/10_by_aaronmk-daxf2l2.jpg[/img] The cool dawning of night creeps on over the arena and the contestants settle in. Chibi and BadShot share the same campsite and discuss the people still alive. VMan and Kaethela likewise share a camp, and Vman converts Kae back to Fig-Fascism. In an another peaceable grove, Karl Marx, Gandhi, and Diablo discuss the games and the opiates of killing. Gandhi so far as been pretty Gandhi, and I'd venture to say he'd say something like "don't do it bro". Vizzini the Inconceivable slave of Allyster chooses to cuddle up to Queen Mary of Scotland for warmth. Can the good queen break Allyster's binds? She has a masterful personality that managed to get the Deplorables to repair her entire navy on a single hand-hold. I seemed to have fucked up Procellus and I can't even go back to check what happened and correct it since the game data got deleted. But Tails discovers Socialism, this might be more important. Songs are sung in some sort of praise, or maybe for emotional stability as Zen, Sethisto, and Witch Cat strike up a three-part harmony. But Broby slips up and eats toxic berries. It is time for the Guild to mourn their olde champion [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to1xT93IlUI[/youtube] Gustav got hurt though, so he tends to those injuries. The fires of Ultra Nationalist revolution burn in the bowls and hulls of the royal navy as they plan their next move of Pax Admirality. The T38 finds additional evidence that a surviving contestant is the Zodiac Killer. This is some detective tier shit here fams. Maybe it's Procellus! Mental Mastermind Allyster cuddles with Cynder for warmth. Does this convert him to his will? Who knows. But he's been very quiet these past couple of days. Duthguy, the Karling shitlord, and Indigo partake in some three-part harmonies of their own. Does the Karling even speak English or does he lend his own with some old proto-French or Latin? Some normal boring shit later and we see the Proletariat climbing a very big tree to rest. Now, stop for a moment to realize that this is the entire world's blue-collar workforce climbing up a tree to rest. This has to be an immense tree. They can all probably see that fire Witch Dog saw, or Borg getting resupplied. But neither matters to them, they got nuclear missiles with them; which has to make this tree even bigger. [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/527c/f/2017/031/9/a/11_by_aaronmk-daxf2ld.jpg[/img] The basket of Deplorables is so beta that not even Vizzini wants to kill them, they with their basket and the guilty love for Queen Mary who held their hands, and a fleet whose good health and repair has gone unnoticed by senpai. Diablo then invades a duchy. Sethisto though decides to lead an ambush that includes his own hunting partner, Karl Marx. With the Proletariat at his side and BadShot the changeling they make their move to kill Marx, Tails, and the Royal Kaisermarine but the plan goes horribly wrong. Not only does Marx die, but he and his friends manage to kill the ambushees. The entire working class the world over is destroyed, as is the sole proprietor of Equestria Daily and Trixie aficionado. I can't really think of anything for BadShot. Though two questions are raised: who killed several billion working men and women? My bets are on the Navy, who were the only party in this faction possessing the fire-arms to do so and the ideological willingness to overlook it; Marx and Tails both are pro-Proletariat. But: who gets the nukes? Witch Cat follows tails and discovers Communism Lite, or socialism. Then a squirrel invades a duchy and Cynder and Gustav split up for resources. The class-traitor Kaethela meanwhile is murdered by Clocktower with Kae's own explosives. Indigo challenged Wizard Dog to a honorable fight in which no one dies, but Indigo wins. Gandhi poisons Borg, eliminating another fash. The Karling finally fucking does something, and finds evidence a surviving tribute is the zodiac killer. But since it appears Procellus is dead it can't be him. RIP-ero. T38 castrates Vman. Allyster in a twist decides its time to die and approaches Queen Mary, the Beta Maker. But Queen Mary refuses. Duthguy is murdered by Chibi. [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/2ee8/f/2017/031/7/0/12_by_aaronmk-daxf2ln.jpg[/img]