[i]There was a bit of hesitation in him now. Some inkling of a worry that a fight would break out but he pushed it behind his warm greeting and determined grit. “You have my blade, Wolf-guy. You all do."[/i] [i]"Hey there! I'm Fariha~ I couldn't help but notice your.. friends. I've never met someone with such companions. May I know your name?" She greeted with a warm smile, extending her hand toward the young girl.[/i] [i]"Yes, I will admit they are quite an... unorthodox choice for companions. But alas, it was what fate has given for me as I just seem to have an uncanny connection to their kind," she continued with a wry smile.[/i] [i]"My name is Marianne. Marianne Silverflame. It's a pleasure to meet you, Fariha."[/i] [i] Gormarr heard what the werewolf said about there groups name. "To long it needs to be short and quick to say." he replied as he downing another class of the red wine.[/i] [i]"Perhaps we should name ourselves after getting a feel for our groups capabilities in action?" She spoke up after finally finishing the paper work, addressing her words toward the Lycan and Artemis.[/i] [i]"It might help, now that we aren't all so distracted, to tell each other a little about ourselves. Where we've been, what we've done or still do, and why we're here. I know it's a little invasive, but we're all going to be working together from this point on. Getting to know each other and our expectations. Since I made the suggestion, I'll go first." "My name is Ayse Temer. I'm a member of the Church of the Endless Ones and a part of the church's Order of the Salamander. I mostly help out with the sick and the wounded that come back from the Rifts. My specialty is burning away maledictions and infirmities, though if I need to I can sear flesh just as easily as purify it. As for the why... well... I'm looking for my fiance. I hope to find him in whatever Rift he's lost himself in."[/i] Grendrick let other's words fill the room for several moments and as they circled the table and each spoke their peace, either to him or someone else, he surveyed them all. He noted their tones, their body language, their mannerisms, their placements of body. He surveyed them for several moments each, accounting their personality and their descriptions of either oneself or their unspoken visible descriptors. He had been assessing them all long before the final notion was made by this "Ayse" female who spoke about the introductory of themselves. That was what displeased him so highly, a group of adventurers more keen on talking and sharing than making progress. Grendrick knew the importance of knowing each member's skills and talents, but history lessons and personal stories were bland and droll to him in this day. Perhaps a time long ago he might have cared, the old LeFloure would have cared, but Grendrick did no such thing and made it evident. "Stories of our lives belong in books. You want to know my past, you save it for when business is over." He stated with a low growl and a turn of his snout to the bread. He took a smaller loaf and sheered it in half with his index claw and then took a small block of cheese and lifted them together over his mouth. He dropped the pair in and ate it only to toss a goblet of wine down his snout and then release a subtle huff of annoyance. "My talents and capabilities are all that matter at this point. We have work to do, whether you enjoy the name or not, is your business. I am Grendrick, that is all you need to know. I hunt, I kill, and I take what is mine. I will not back down from our foes, and I will not falter on our hunt. The sun and moon will rise and fall for an eternity before I give in, and even longer before I fall in battle." He spoke with a stern tone, if the people in the room thought his previous tone was displeasing, this would likely cause some internal anger among them. "I have no intentions of spilling my story to you all, their is no sense in it, history is history for a reason. Move on from it, and seek the hunt in front of you, not the one you have failed already." He finished his words, and he was done now. He wouldn't say another word unless provoked to do so with a good reason. He would accent his silence with another goblet of wine, it had no effect on a man such as himself of his size and make, but the flavor wasn't horrible and to note would be something likely from his former life, as the old LeFloure did enjoy wine with the Wife. However it would be hard to think of such things with no indication that he was once a normal man, and that he once had a life outside of his current one. He refused to speak of it to anyone, he seemed all but lost in his less than friendly desires to become the Apex Predator, the Alpha Hunter. He had already begun this new life, for a couple years he has hunted, fought, and scrapped for his right to grow and rise, to become the Wolf among sheep of Rift Hunters, to become the Alpha among all creatures in this life. The old LeFloure just wanted to protect his lively hood, his town, his wife, he sought her, not power or the top of the food chain. Old LeFloure just wanted his happiness, and now he had all but forsaken Happiness altogether.