I was going for a archer/healer/smith kind of supporting character. Let me know if it's too broken. [hider=Expeditionary Dossier] Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/91/53/ec/9153ec7ee7ecf8468f3bdf2302e946d6.jpg[/img] Name: Thea'kel Heartwood, or Thea for short. Age: 34 Race: Elf Profession: Priest Personality: Thea doesn't consider herself a priest in the strictest sense of the word. She was never particularly interested in meditating over religious texts or sermons. Their words are delivered through mortal lips and hands, and as such Thea sees them as fallible. Her overarching motivation can be easily summed up as "as long as you can live with your conscience, go right ahead". Witty, sarcastic, and at times downright stubborn, her approach to learning is to simply question others incessantly and challenging ideas. It is no small source of annoyance for those around her, though she also has a kind heart. She brings food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty, and often will go out of her way to help those in need. She has a particularly soft spot for children and treats them almost as if they were her own. Her general approach to people, however, tends to be reserved and cautious. In her words, she "loves the populace but not its people". Having seen how the worst and least of society are treated, she is understandably cynical about individuals' and their motivations, even if she has love for society at large. Backstory: The Heartwood clan while technically belonging to the priesthood and clergy, do not actually serve as priests or priestesses. They all serve either as smiths or fighters in the elven priesthood's military wing or among the hunters where no formal clergy exists in the village. Thea was raised and trained in the arts of the Heartwood clan, and took to it quickly. While her talents lay largely in crafting, she enjoyed the outdoors and her excursions to gather materials with the hunters. Given her personality, it occasionally meant she strayed off course for days to help the odd merchant caravan navigate the forest safely. The elves had a friendly relationship with the nearby towns, so once she was old enough, Thea began her forays into the settlements and trading their wares there. Eventually she got to know the elves that had chosen to live among the other races, and took it upon herself to settle in around orphanage. She contributed where she could, and when she wasn't helping to mend the place or feed the orphans, she frequented the red light district to help the whores there (and occasionally bring one or two home with her). When the town began getting harassed by the monsters, however, she quickly joined the militia to help in defending her home. Frustrated by the lack of men and resources to properly protect the town, Thea signed up with the expeditionary force to hopefully put an end to the trouble. Skills and Abilities: Divine Magic - Nature's Bounty The Heartwood clan is blessed by the goddess of nature, Ethandril, with the ability to work their magic into natural materials. As smiths, they are able to craft weapons from tree bark and shape it as if it were fluid, making just as hard as steel or drawing various effects out of it. Leather and other materials like spider-silk can also be easily blessed with their enchantments and divine power, providing magical protection. Healing herbs and poisonous berries also become a lot more potent and allow them to treat various wounds and ailments. Thea is an extremely proficient archer, able to put an arrow through a rabbit's eyes at 100 yards, albeit helped greatly by her elven sight. While no veteran fighter, she is able to hold her own in melee combat. To her, it is of utmost importance that a smith know how to use their wares, even if she mostly uses her fighting knives to fletch her arrows. She also has pretty good knowledge of herbalism and poisons from plants. While she might grind them into paste for salves and ointments or make teas, she lacks the experience to make elixirs and more complicated medicines from them. While naturally agile and able to climb trees with ease, Thea has no parkour skills to speak of and scaling walls without a hook and rope prove difficult without plenty of places to find purchase. In the forest, however, only other elves will be able to keep up with her as she moves through the terrain. Thea's most notable skill is undoubtedly her craftsmanship. While not much good at making things out of ore and metal ingots, she knows how to do maintain metal weapons and repair them. Anything made from leather and wood, however, she pretty much work as if it were clay. Equipment: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2a/c1/e5/2ac1e531104aff017f3f7848aefd9464.jpg[/img] Thea's very first masterpiece of a bow, she uses it out of sentiment. Its runic enchantments imbue any arrow she fires with divine magic, a useful weapon against the monsters. She also carries a quiver filled with special arrows of her own making with a myriad of effects, including a few coated with healing salves on soft arrowheads. While many think them obsolete, the elves prefer them as they do not make as much noise as their ethergun and musket counterparts, and allows them to avoid drawing more monsters within earshot. [img]http://www.bestamulets.com/images/WD7-C-440.jpg[/img] Heartwood Amulet - A wooden amulet made from Ethandra bark, a tree named after the nature goddess herself, pressing it against a tree will allow a Heartwood elf to pull bark, wood and sap from it harmlessly and limitlessly, as long as they have the magical energy to spare. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/77/81/0f/77810fd78d99746c4cb9c465e6949d82.jpg[/img] A pair of fighting knives made from Ironbark - a type of wood that carries its namesake metal within it. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/61/55/46/61554625c74a6cbe0a664472ef21fc05.jpg[/img] Leather armor - Thea hasn't quite mastered enchanting armors beyond basic protection spells, and thus her leather armor only provides the benefit of keeping her comfortable. Over her leather armor she wears a spider-silk cloak. Its color changes according to her surroundings to help her blend in and camouflage herself in foliage, but it doesn't pattern itself so anyone with a sharp eye will still spot her if they look hard enough. On her waist is a utility belt with various pouches, carrying various herbs, berries and vials of tree sap that allow her to do her job as a healer and archer.[/hider]