[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lex[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [Center][i]Cafeteria[/i][/center] [hr][hr] "Hmmm..." Lex let out as he sat at the table as he gulped down some of the leftover soup. He could have eaten something fresher, but eating the soup made him feel like he had earned it since he had helped Kwan the night before. As he sat alone, he let himself think on the use of his powers. Through his experience today, Lex began to hypothesize. [i]Okay, so I can definitely fly and I can somehow make my clothes reappear on my body when I go from dust back to flesh... I can change my body and my clothes into dust then, but I couldn't do that before... or at least I didn't know it was possible. A year ago I would have thought all of this was far from possible... Back to my complicated power. So instead of creating new dust, I can break not only my body, but other things down into particles. At least some of this makes sense. So I probably use a lot of energy making the conversion back and forth.[/i] Lex sighed as he finished his meal faster than he could finish pondering. With a nod to himself as a way of saying 'good job', he got up and placed his bowl and spoon in the appropriate sink to be washed out. As he walked out of the cafeteria, Lex shoved his hands into his pockets and kept his head down as he thought some more, this time it was about tonight's adventure. [i]Catching an animal might be too much, maybe there's something else I could do, like find some kind of commodity... shit, I'll know when I come across it. Maybe I can get something nice for myself. Ooh I hope a Walmart survived out there![/i] Lex's eye lit up as he smirked towards the bunker door leading to the outside. As he made his exit, Lex noticed that the sun was beginning to vanish over the horizon. He took several steps forward knowing full well that he had to test one of his hypotheses. [I]When I become dust, everything is gone...[/i] Lex continued to walk as dust started to rise off from his skin and clothes, tearing away slowly as if to add dramatic effect. [i]Nerves, muscles, and bone... I can't expect to move dust as if it's my arms or legs...[/i] Lex shut his eyes before his body burst into a cloud of dust that flew through the treeline. [i]All I need is mind... my imagination. Now let's have an adventure tonight![/i] [hr][@King Tai][@poohead189][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Spinosaurus][@Kyrisse][@Wick][@alexfangtalon][@December][@Venku]