You didn't exactly see where I was going with the entire thing. I already know all of this. Just because I blatantly invade 5 countries doesn't mean I don't know the risks. Nations don't always live, people make stupid mistakes as leaders and I am setting an example In IC as a nation. Secondly, the GM is often used to set the stage or in order to make the story. But, there is also the fact that even with those hard to pass mountains making it VERY hard to get to the actual country after many deaths I would be able to break through and setup a small base until more people get there. Then, there is also the fact that THAT is what MIGHT happen if NO ONE intervenes(Talking about the video), but that isn't going to happen because no one is just going to allow someone to gain that much territory if they are rivals. While I do understand where you are going with this. My one post just showed a possibility and it was mainly advertising for the RP (cause It's on YT) and also to test out my mapping skills. As I stated in the video's comments and just a minute ago in this post. That is ONE possibility of the war's outcome and doesn't actually define the entire war in one post. I was going to post MORE scenarios but, then you guys started getting worried about it. Which of course, I don't blame you because I probably should have explained the situation. Also, the Mongolian rebellion isn't exactly a serious thing considering it was a backstory BEFORE the RP started. I defeated the rebellion before the RP started. I do admit I probably should have said it was a flashback, that's my mistake. Also, in either case I started RPing and deleted the video off of the post hours ago, meaning really that long an elaborate post didn't really do much.