[h1]Outside HPIS[/h1] As the prisoners rioted on outside the prison, funneling out at the behest of both Deprave and Poncho, the rest of the group exited as well, Betty in tow of the rat and poisonous cloud. Surprisingly, she wasn't feeling that social, maybe because of the bombshell of Mike possibly betraying her or the chaos of the prison break. Either way, the max she did was shoot the muscly Deprave a wink. Over the roar of the mass of unchained men and women, the screech of tires could be heard. The RV was here, it seemed. It was practically huge, most definitely able to seat all 9 passengers, probably even allow the to bed. It was also quite fast and light, judging by how quick it hit the scene and the sharp turn it pulled to get the door facing the prison. Out of it stepped a rabbit looking woman, oddly scarred and torn like an overused plush doll revealing muscle and pale skin beneath the surface of her fur. Stepping out onto the scene, absentmindedly tugging at her trenchcoat, she gave the prison a once over. [color=a36209]"What in the hell..."[/color] She muttered to herself. Quickly, she got over the surprise and replaced it with a dry sarcasm. [color=a36209]"Looks like you guys had fun but mommy's here to pick you up. Get the hell in the van before whoever you pissed off wakes up."[/color] She commanded, motioning to the vehicle. Once everyone was inside they'd notice how nice it was. The entire place was lined with shining granite and somehow unrotted wood. It had full amenities, a bathroom with a hot standing shower, a sink, and of course a toilet. The kitchen had a few pots, pans, dishes, bowls, and cups in the cupboards, though noticeably nothing to cook. If anyone did want to cook, though an electric stove, as well as a microwave and fridge were there. Finally, there were a few couches near the front and two bedrooms with a queen sized bed each in the back. [color=a36209]"Here's where you'll be staying. Don't get any blood on the couches Conan, or your ass is out."[/color] She mentioned, pointing an accusatory finger at Deprave. [color=a36209]"We don't have any food but Barkeep stashed some alcohol in the fridge. Use the coasters in the kitchen draw. I'll be needing one of you to switch off with at some time so if anyone wants to volunteer, feel free. Just to clarify, everyone's here?"[/color] She asked. Once she got confirmation, she'd close the door and start driving. [color=a36209]"Here we go."[/color]