[@FunnyGuy][@dabombjk][@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189][@Kurai Assassin] [Center][hr][hr][url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Mv9IzXPwDW8/U3a_R67x3qI/AAAAAAAAANI/KRqBcMto-kw/s1600/India+Eisley+Hot+and+Beautiful+American+Teenage+Actress+girl+HD+wallpapers+%252867%2529.jpg]Picture[/url] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161217/2c8888ca0195e0b5044c229bfafd0204.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1]TRINITY Alone[/h1][/center] After smashing the croc in the head Trinity leapt across the little river and landed amid a group of three crocs and grabbed the nearest one by his nose then used him to beat the other two to death while smashing him as well. For several minutes she roamed up and down the river bank grabbing crocs where she could and chucking large 200 pound rocks at them when they retreated into the water. The crocs proved they understood the danger they were in by vacating the area swimming rapidly down stream. Her work finished Trinity grinned and headed into the water for a swim and bath removing her sports bra and boxers so she could wash them and herself with some shampoo she’d found in the cab of one of the wrecked trucks she searched. She was so happy to finally have the river to herself so she could skinny dip like she used to in the rivers near where she was raised. Sure she could have taken a shower in the Bunker but frankly she was tired of it’s confining and dank concrete walls. She was working hard to build a safe habitat outside of the bunker for others that wished to escape the rabbit hole and breath the fresh air.