Obviously. She'd just wink at him too. Ha ha. Exactly. It's not obvious they have crushes on each other. This is a good point. Ha ha. But I mean it is his little sister meeting his best friends, to be fair. Yeah. And Alex would just look at Billie when Logan walked away and shake his head. And she'd just be like, "Hey, you wanted me to come here. I can't help you have hot friends." I wouldn't be surprised either. Ha ha. I didn't figure it would be. Billie: *nods* it's why I break multiple bones. I kinda sorta lost it. Unfortunately was not in the red dress though. *chuckles* Darren: I didn't fully mean it. Things got said, and I lost what I was actually doing. I'm not usually like that. I will say, he isnt. A wannabe man whore maybe, but normally he won't hit a woman like that.