[@Belle] Zsadist bared his at Gage one more time before releasing the man. He didn't care if the man went to the glymera or not. He didn't have the time to worry about it. Rhage was demanding his return. Which normally wouldn't wouldn't mean a damn thing to him. But he could tell from his brother's voice that something wasn't right at the mansion. He would never failed to be there when his brothers needed him. They weren't brothers in the traditional sense. But they were his world. He used the phone to phase back into the female's bedroom. He hoped that he didn't scare her. Anger still radiated from him. It would take some time to calm down. And it didn't think that was going to happen any time soon. He was surprised when he saw that there was more then one woman in the room. Great just what he needed more females. He glared at the new arrival.