[img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/eb1a/f/2017/032/a/4/13_by_aaronmk-daxh3zb.jpg[/img] Zen did a thing! In the dead of night, Cynder, Bord, and Tails were readying to lay down for the night when the dastardly dark horse known as Zen set off an explosive, killing all three. So actually, he correction the Fash borg is Bashed, has Gahndi would have wanted. Oh well. This however keeps Allyster to Witch Cat's self, now Cynder is dead. SpamBot recieves an explosive himself as well. Vman realized he might be going crazy. The enslaved Vizzini though opens a book. In doing so, he introduces himself to Anarchist liberation and he perhaps begins to question his slave-master relationship with Allyster. Chibi then gets sick. Diablo decides he'll climb a tree for the night, but fails and falls on Wizard Dog. If it's not the weight of the Dark Lord that killed the pooch, it was the spine. The fall too claims the life of the Lord of Hell as well, and both spirits move on down stairs. Gustav, not being magically trained fails to beat Witch Cat in combat. But Witch Cat extends mercy and lets him live. At a campfire Indigo and Allyster meet. In conversation Indigo tells Allyster all about the Ubermensch, which inspires Allyster to more readily consider the fascist option. This also implies Indigo himself is a fascist I guess. Karl Marx meanwhile repairs a tank, tends to its crew, and probably teaches them about class struggle or something. Now, we have to ask ourselves this: is this to ever sailor in the navy building his own, or is the entire navy building one giant structure? Because as they settle down for the night the Royal Navy gets to work scooping up mud and builds a square home or several thousand. And so it is confirmed that Mary, Queen of Scots does not actually post. Discord thinks about winning. It is the one true chat platform after all. [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/977b/f/2017/032/2/a/14_by_aaronmk-daxh3zh.jpg[/img] As morning dawn, Zen makes a slingshot. Maybe he can use this to propel explosives further and kill more? Time will tell. Marx, Echos, Discord, and Vizzini go on a hunt together. Witch Cat discovers socialism. Elsewhere, Vizzini's master, Allyster team up with Chibi to take on a tank and Gustav. Both are killed in combat by the duo and there was much rejoicing. The Deplorables sought out Queen Mary again to seek her love, and she granted it by tending to their injuries. Indigo again finds evidence a surviving tribute is the zodiac killer. I hope you're all making lists because the suspects are starting to thin out. Joseph Stalin meanwhile breaks into the Spam Bot's Spam Shack and steals some of his dope ass Korean ads and Manchester furniture brochures and books it. It's OK, Spam Bot will make more. A squirrel though needs fire-wood. Why? Maybe to roast his acorns. VMan, having gone over the edge declares himself a claimant to Queen Mary's throne. Then the Royal Navy eats Gustav Mannerheim and/or the T38 and crew. [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/5265/f/2017/032/4/5/15_by_aaronmk-daxh3zj.jpg[/img] ded.