[center][color=f7941d][i][h1]~The Crest Farmstead~[/h1][/i][/color] [i]3 days ago..[/i][/center] Alexander and Victoria Crest rode the perimeters of his white picket fence like he did every day at high noon. His farm land bordered that of the new and mysterious stranger's farm. The weather was a little overcast today, which signalled the coming rain to dowse the parched grasslands that his cattle and horses fed off. He rode a black and white American Mustang and she rode a prized white stallion, worth its weight in coin - that was how much he loved his little girl. His mane was kept pristine thanks to his daughter's loving tender care of the farm's animals. Alex stops his horse by the click of his heels against the saddle. "Woah boy." The horse neighed and bowed its head and trotted to a stop. Victoria mimicked him as he peered over the fence to see a house slowly forming in the distance in his neighbours land. He was surprised at how quickly it was erected in just seven days. No-one had seen height or hair of the young lad that claimed to own it. Apparently he had been taken for a ride was the gossip round town, the horse merchant was particularly[i] tickled[/i]... "Damn crazy fool. I give him one month before he's tossed out on his behind." Alex tutted. [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPmNXPKp-M1kBPgPt9_hl6q8egn6xil6vfX7xCDCx3Xy2VBIHE[/img][/center] "Now Papa." Victoria chuckled at his bluntness. Her long wavy hair was partially tied back with a silver jewelled clip and some of her strands of hair frayed slightly from her face in the gentle breeze. "Give the poor man a chance." She clicked her heels and Phillipe set off again on border patrol. [center]~~~~~~~~ [i]Present day..[/i][/center] That morning Victoria had fed the horses, brushed them down as she did every morning. She loved each and every single one of them very much but her white stallion Phillipe was her most treasured. He was always the one who had the strongest personality and he seemed to listen to her and she swore he could speak back 'with his eyes'. Her best friend Jasper, a red border collie who helped to herd the farm's cattle with the horse riders was sat watching in the corner as she went about her routine. Donning a long floral pale yellow summer dress due to the humidity and heat she could not bear to wear her jeans and ranch boots. It was just too hot. Her dress complimented her blue eyes and contrasted with her dark hair. She hummed softly as she brushed Phillip's white fluffy mane. Suddenly Jasper's ears pricked up. He whined slightly. "What is it boy?" Victoria turned around to see how confused he was. And then he suddenly bolted. "Jasper!!" She yelled after him and quickly ran to the door in her small ankle boots. She saw him run off into the fields and soon out of sight. "Jasper come back!!" She shouted, all her workers turned their heads and attempted to capture the dog but he was too springy for them. "Oh God." She ran back into the stable and mounted Phillipe in one swift leap up, she had mastered the art of horse riding. "HYAH!" She clicked he heels and Phillipe sprang into action straight into a gallop out of the barn. She took off toward where Jasper had went, hoping to catch up to him. She soon spotted the collie at the border fence adjacent to their new and mysterious neighbour. His name was apparently Duncan according to the townsfolk. Her faithful red haired companion had found a calf stuck within the fence. The poor thing got curious to the next field and got its head wedged between the pickets. She came to a stop and hopped down from her horse. "Good boy!" She fussed Jasper as she passed him and went to help the calf. But with only her bare hands, she could not free the calf's head without it squealing. She attempted to pull the white stake out from the ground but that proved futile as well as she struggled to pull it out. "Someone help!!" [center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1BIAI4N4yfs/Upuhu09G_DI/AAAAAAAABxs/8EBmDy2TLpI/s1600/Ruth+Wilson+-+Rebecca+Reid.JPG[/img][/center] She shouted back out to her farm, she had to get the calf's neck out, she was struggling frantically and causing herself to bleed. "Please come quick!!" She worried for the calf as she tried to kick the post down. "Hold on Moozie!" She grunted as the fence would not budge. If only she had some tools...