[@Terminal] for the new round of TTL -- not the Final Hazard, but the First Labor -- I wished clarification of a point. How exactly do you determine what is trite? Usually that means overused. I do recall that you didn't like how I handled the matter of a character beating me, but I wouldn't think a character manifesting their own will and gaining the ability to function as a writer's block because of that will to be something often used, even if the idea of a character disagreeing with the author has been used. *tilt head* Will triteness disqualify an entry entirely? Because I'm not sure how stale an idea I've got , since invulnerable doesn't preclude self-destructing, nor does it rule out the idea of very specific weaknesses, given that many characters are presented as invulnerable with one or two glaring flaws. Take Superman. Or, for a more suitable example given the way you present these Labors, how about Achilles? =P