[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Cecily Ashworth[/color][/h1][img]http://imagesmtv-a.akamaihd.net/uri/mgid:file:http:shared:mtv.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/olsen-hair-gif-1431123267.gif?quality=.8&height=281&width=500[/img][hr]Location: the Morgue[/center][hr][hr]The adrenaline coursing through Cecily had started to die down, and she chuckled weakly as Dr. Brinne helped her onto the steel table. It'd be convenient, she couldn't help but thinking, if she died on that table. They wouldn't have to move her body at all to examine it. She never could quite imagine her body on the slab, but with Natasha helping her down, she didn't have to imagine it anymore. [color=00ccff]"No goo,"[/color] Cecily replied, smiling lightly. She winced as the bandage was removed, feeling the raw pain of the wound. As Natasha informed her that the wound was deep, and the doctor brought over the x-ray, Cecily tried to motivate herself to stay alert, and focused on anything [i]but[/i] the pain. Her hands were shaking, and it was all she could do to mutter things to herself under her breath. The Kimmy Schmidt intro credit song worked for a little bit, but to be truthful, she couldn't wait for the bullet to be removed. She almost explained to the doctor what happened, but the thought of dragging another person into this...Roy! Her mind accelerated for a moment, and Cecily removed her phone from her pocket with her other hand, and typed out a quick text. She trusted him to take care of Caesar's vehicle, but she intentionally left out her current location, and where they were heading. [center][i][color=00ccff]Shot. Need you to pick up the trike. -C.A.[/color][/i][/center] After she sent the text, Cecily dropped her phone at her side. She didn't feel like trying to get it into her pocket, and with Natasha taking X-rays of the wound, she wanted to remain as still as she could be. She hummed the Big Bang Theory intro to herself, trying to focus on anything but the immense pain in her shoulder. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#99ccff]Iris Kingston[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/11d5b3724b97ab0d75e1cad345de4b7c/tumblr_n197plXseg1qfdldwo1_500.gif[/img][hr]Location: Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane: the Ludwig Building[/center][hr][hr]For a seemingly insane woman, Jenny Green left hardly a trace. Iris couldn't find any sort of public record on the woman, and with no posts online, she appeared to not exist. But this mystery woman had sparked this change in Cynthia--this sudden insistence of calling herself Valentine, and beginning to paint in red anew. It was then that a horrible thought occurred to Iris. Perhaps this Jenny Green was the individual on the conspiracy site--the government cover up killing in the 90's. She would have been at the appropriate age, Iris thought grimly. The doctor's notes had suggested Jenny to be an older aunt. This Jenny Green could have been the person responsible for the massacre...but the entire thing seemed a bit ridiculous to Iris. A government killer visiting her patient? And telling Cynthia all of her secrets? She was a psychologist. She helped treat the manias of these poor women--not subscribe to them herself. Still, it couldn't hurt to make a note of her find. Iris neatly wrote the information down on a piece of paper, her eyes flickering over at the email. The site owner was coming to her within the hour. And here she was, stuck with what appeared to be a pseudonym. Against her better judgment, Iris closed her files and placed them away, and went to the orderlies. [color=99ccff]"I need to speak with Cynthia MacMillan, s'il vous plait,"[/color] Iris requested, smiling slightly. [color=99ccff]"It's a bit urgent."[/color]