[b][u]Joric Ironfist[/u][/b] "You... you can hold your own, Blackdagger." Joric admitted. Few individuals had ever been able to out-drink him. If one's skills were determined by a set of numbers, Joric always imagined his constitution would be at the max. So, it was quite impressive that the Duergar seemed to be on the same level as him. It made him wonder just what kind of drinks they served, down in the dark underground that the Duergars called home. He briefly considered calling it a draw. No. His fellow dwarves were cheering him on, and he loathed to back down from a challenge. Calling for a draw may be interpreted as a sign that he couldn't handle anymore. "Another!" He announced, raising a hand. [hr] [b][u]Darius Arenar[/u][/b] Darius too had more than a few stories to share with the rest of the table. He spoke of bizarre strangers and sightings on the road, of jobs where he ended up entangled in conflicts between gangs and local law enforcement, and even had a few funny stories of his own. He exaggerated at times, but only slightly - enough to make even simple stories sound impressive, but not too much to make them unbelievable. But one thing would be clear from listening to his stories: he had never been away from the Moonsea. And if anyone inquired into his personal background, he would find a way to change the subject, perhaps even turn the question around and try to learn more about them. Dhyannah seemed alright to him. Well-traveled, liked to have a good time, not some self-righteous holier-than-thou do-gooder. Arden was a friendly and possessed a sense of humor, but to Darius he also came across as a bit of a braggart when he started throwing knives, and in doing so attracted a crowd. Of course, Darius never found fault with bragging so long as it wasn't excessive - he liked to brag too, after all. And when there were knives involved, he simply couldn't resist. So he joined in, throwing knives alongside Arden in an attempt to best him, although his demeanor indicated it was more of a friendly competition. His dexterous hands allowed him to do exceedingly well. He considered inviting the Duergar to join, but after taking one look at the drinking contest, he quickly decided that would be a health risk for... well, everyone within knife-throwing range.