[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack[/color] and [color=ff6600]Chloe[/color][/h1][img]https://s23.postimg.org/xlglaoyvf/www_GIFCreator_me_Ao_BMXL.gif[/img][hr]Location: The Hordebuster [/center][hr][hr]Jack climbed into the passenger's side of the truck, coming to almost the same realization as Ash a minute later. He was still a newcomer to Newnan, but Ash was just about the only Newnanite left. How often did they have days like this? His heart was weary at the thought of Bazhooli, robbed of his life, robbed of his chance at another family. And Tatiana, all along in Newnan... [color=00ff00]"I could use a drink,"[/color] Jack replied, his face tired and grim. He hoped Tatiana loved that damn cat. It'd be awkward if she changed her mind about him. He took a deep breath, attempting to reassure himself that Tatiana was fine, but ever since they'd arrived in Newnan, he couldn't help but feel tragedies unfolded. Was there some sort of curse at play? Chloe, meanwhile, was doing her best to assist Ray and Ciel in the back of the truck. The kid had fallen asleep, and she couldn't help but hope it'd turn out to be for the best. With the only other medic slowly dying, she didn't need more complications with the patients. Her biggest worry for Ray would be that the transportation back to Newnan would cause something to rupture, something to burst...The man wasn't in the best shape. But there was perhaps a bigger fear, Chloe realized, as the hoardebuster reached Newnan. As Ash spoke into the radio, a horrifying thought occurred to Chloe. There were tell-tale signs of drug abuse. She was lucky that the Viking medic was too distracted to notice, Chloe figured...would she be that lucky again? If they had a full medical team, would she be able to hide her past? [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#23D5B7]Beatrice Decker[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/8c95bd51ad09d004fe47b6d13aa801d5/tumblr_n28rlbTgsN1rhs5nco2_250.gif[/img][hr]Location: LaGrange Street, headed south -> Building 2, Mess Hall[/center][hr][hr]While Beatrice wasn't one of the most emotionally expressive people, she couldn't help but be fond of James. His easygoing attitude was a bit charming, and as he walked with his sidearm on the opposite side of his body, she noticed he must have had some common sense. The fact that he kept her at arm's length only served to comfort Beatrice. Only [i]idiots[/i] would have allowed her to roam the grounds as she pleased. As to the accident...her eyes flickered up towards the smoke she'd seen in the sky...she felt some sympathy for them. Her group had been destroyed by accidents, though some of them had been intentional. As her eyes fell on the bloody sheet in the road ahead of them, she raised a slight eyebrow. Sanitation codes weren't really forced anymore, though, she reminded herself. It was a bit hard to enforce laws without any order or government. [color=#23D5B7]"Yeah, I do have a question, actually,"[/color] Beatrice replied, though her stomach grumbled in betrayal. It had been a bit since she'd had some decent food beyond trail mix, and she'd already fished out all of the M&M's ages ago, the only decent part. [color=#23D5B7]"What happened here?"[/color] They had an established farm system, a person in charge of recruitment--the more Beatrice learned about Newnan, the less things added up. She started to doubt it really was an accident that happened. But as James held up a finger, and crackling voices came over his radio, Beatrice didn't have a chance to ask. The reference to full teams...Again, more and more evidence that this settlement should've been prepared for that disaster, and perhaps averted it. Her eyes turned to the armed guard, an expressionless symbol of power and authority. [color=#23D5B7]"Don't worry about it,"[/color] Beatrice replied simply. [color=#23D5B7]"I'll be here."[/color] And observing. If she was going to ask to stay in this place, it needed to be safe and/or trustworthy. Preferably both. Hopefully both.