[img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/2213/f/2017/032/c/0/16_by_aaronmk-daxispx.jpg[/img] Vman down! Indigo severely injures him in a fight and leave him to die there in the forest. Vizzini then haunts Zen. Queen Mary builds some more shit. Stalin is defeated tonight too. In a show of ultra-violence Allyster yanks out Stalin's eyes and force them down his throat. The Russian dictator is left to choke to death, blind. I also like to imagine that before Clocktower died, he heard a soft rustling in the breeze as thousands of poisoned darts darkened the moon's to kill him. WitchCat is also left behind dead by the Spam Bot. [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/0494/f/2017/032/c/c/17_by_aaronmk-daxisq2.jpg[/img] The Cornucopia is replenished and the people come. Marx kills Zen with an explosive to protect his means of production. Queen Mary manages to subdue and kill Allyster, freeing Vizzini from his will as Vizzini murders The Deplorables whose last thing he saw was Queen Mary, a lonesome tear coming to their eyes as the life was strangled from them. The Karling and Discord got into a fight for meat too, but since the Karling is a surprising pussy he up and leaves; he must have level 0 martial. And then Indigo Montoya steps on a land mine. [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/0512/f/2017/032/4/a/18_by_aaronmk-daxisq8.jpg[/img] As all the parties depart from the feast the Royal Navy uses the newly won supplies to build an arsenal of Nuclear Weapons, the Proletariats armory probably up in the air due in part to the confusing circumstances of their death. Or maybe Marx has them, explaining how he managed to blow up Zen. Vizzini could have gotten another one in on the Queen of Scotland but she manages to distract them and runs into the woods. Marx is rewarded for his style with more explosives. Demo Marx? With Vman dead, there's no other competitor's seeking the throne of Scotland, so Chibi decides to put himself into direct confrontation with Mary by declaring himself the Queen of the Scots. And according to finds by the squirrel, one of these late-game beasts is the zodiac killer. [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/6da7/f/2017/032/5/7/19_by_aaronmk-daxisqb.jpg[/img] ded