[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] It was very good for Gill that the rabbit had stepped in before someone else had gotten to take him to task for, more or less, insinuating that a child was out to do evil and then [i]using the knights as blackmail.[/i] Because of what? Rank and family connections. Irrelevant family connections after publicly disowning the dead bastard and refusing to inter Phoran Cal with the rest of the family. Instead, the armoured knight decided to try and get to the chase before someone offended her to the point they wouldn't get any sort of answer: "You sent Alette after a shard of metal with instructions to not touch it, so you have to know if it's a Shard of Angroron. So you can tell us who lost it in the first place and help us reclaim the thing safely."