"HAH! ONLY THE WEAK NEED LAWS!" came a veritable roar from amongst the gathered warriors, a voice familiar to anyone who'd been paying any attention to the Filibuster Federation for the past three years. A few of the more political but overall less physically and/or martially imposing competitors swiftly made way, others who were either slower or had decided to stand their ground were shoved aside with nary a thought or a pause in the stride of the man in the lion mask. Long mane trailing behind him dramatically, the Lord of the Wild, the Savannah Savage, The Great Leonidas had arrived to preach his ways. And they were simple ways. Paying no attention to his rivals, Leonidas took a pen that just happened to be nearly dry and scratched down at the very top of the page, half in ink and half in torn paper: "RULES OF NATURE". Having done this he flicked the pen aside, beaning a camera right on the lens. He was a divisive figure, the appropiately-titled Savage. On the one hand, very few people actually want to live in a survival of the fittest scenario or be represented by what is very clearly an unstable lunatic. On the other, he's certainly entertaining in his unrepentant aggressiveness and, at the end of the day, his ideas more or less embody what the Federation is about. "You can try and have as many laws and and whatever other pansy crap you want, you can try to have a piece of paper decide what's what, but at the end of the day we're here to fight and the winner decides what's right", he declared defiantly at the others, arms spread wide and muscles flexed tight in a pseudo come-at-me pose. "And dammit that's the way things should be! If you want something you go get it, if you want to keep something you fight to keep it and if you're too much of a bitch to do so you ain't worth shit, and that's all I got to say about that!", he finished, punctuating by mashing his sizeable index finger on the piece of paper.